Genetically modified trees bind and store more carbon

Wood from genetically modified trees is revolutionizing the construction industry with its potential to replace traditional building materials such as steel, cement and glass.

While engineered wood is praised for its ability to store carbon and resist decay, it also presents challenges, notably the need for energy-intensive chemical processing that generates significant amounts of waste.

However, a breakthrough at the University of Maryland has changed the rules of the game.

This group of scientists recently introduced an innovative approach that uses genetic engineering to produce high-performance lumber without the need for energy-intensive processing or volatile chemicals.

Tree genetics in wood technology

In a significant advance for sustainable building materials, researchers managed to modify a gene in living poplar trees so that they could now produce wood ready for technical use without further processing.

“We are very excited to introduce an innovative approach that combines genetic engineering and wood engineering to sustainably capture and store carbon in a resilient superwood form,” commented Yiping Qi, professor in the Department of Plant Sciences and Landscape Architecture at the University of Maryland.

“Carbon sequestration is critical in our fight against climate change, and this engineered wood could have a variety of uses in the future bioeconomy,” Qi added.

Why use genetically modified poplars?

Poplar trees are remarkable, fast-growing giants that command attention in parks and forests. These impressive organisms can grow several feet in a year and are characterized by tall, straight trunks and leaves that flutter gracefully in the lightest breeze.

Different species such as the American aspen, poplar and pyramidal poplar each have unique characteristics but still retain the typical appearance of a poplar.

Their normally heart-shaped or oval leaves turn bright yellow tones in autumn, forming a stunning natural carpet.

Poplars not only have an aesthetic effect, they also play an important role in the ecosystem: they provide a habitat for birds and food for deer and other wild animals.

In addition, humans have exploited their benefits in a variety of ways. Poplar wood serves a variety of purposes, from paper production to furniture making, and is often planted as an effective natural windbreak.

A fascinating aspect of poplars is their resilience. After forest fires, they show a remarkable ability to regenerate by sprouting new shoots from their root system.

This phenomenon is an example of nature’s ability to regenerate and sums up the saying “You can’t let a good tree fall.”

Out-engineering of lignin

Before wood can be treated to give it structural properties such as increased strength or UV resistance, it must traditionally first be freed from a key component called lignin.

This is usually done through chemical treatments, which not only generate waste but also cause significant energy consumption.

As part of the study, the research team used “base editing” to knock out a key gene called 4CL1, resulting in poplars with 12.8% lower lignin content than wild-type poplars.

This significantly reduced lignin content is comparable to conventional chemical treatments for wood-based materials.

Sustainability of genetically modified wood

The research team’s modified poplar trees were grown alongside unmodified control trees in a greenhouse for nearly six months.

Interestingly, they found no significant differences in growth rate or structure between the modified and unmodified trees.

Using the genetically modified poplar trees, the team produced small samples of high-strength compressed wood – a material similar to the particle board commonly used in furniture.

This material is created by soaking the wood in water under vacuum and then hot-pressing it until it reaches about 1/5 of its original thickness, increasing the fiber density.

What the research team learned

To evaluate their success, the researchers compared the genetically modified poplar with natural poplar, untreated samples and those treated with traditional chemical methods to reduce lignin content.

The results were promising. The modified material was comparable in performance to chemically treated natural wood. Both versions were denser and more than 1.5 times stronger than untreated natural wood.

The genetically modified material had a tensile strength comparable to aluminum alloy 6061 and chemically treated wood.

This innovative research offers a promising path to the cost-effective and environmentally sustainable production of a range of building products.

Genetically modified wood could be the next big player in our fight against climate change, as it has the potential to significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions and reduce dependence on energy-intensive processing methods.

Future of genetically modified wood

On the way to a more sustainable future, the use of genetically modified wood could revolutionize the construction industry.

Beyond structural applications, this technology could pave the way for new developments in furniture design, packaging materials and even composite products.

The focus of ongoing research is on optimizing the properties of this wood material, including its durability and resistance to pests and environmental influences.

With growing awareness of the climate issue, the introduction of such innovations could lead to a more sustainable approach to construction and ultimately help us reduce our environmental footprint while meeting the increasing demand for high-quality materials.

The future of construction may lie in the combination of nature and technology, especially genetically modified wood.

The full study was published in the journal Object.


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By Jasper

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