Gas stations fight for customers near the Hard Rock Casino in Rockford

You’re in luck if you live on the east side of Rockford and need to fill up your gas tank.

That’s because MyStateline is reporting on a major event near the soon-to-open Hard Rock Casino: a “price war” that directly affects our community.

In case you don’t know, this happens when a store, in this case a gas station, decides to lower the prices of their products to attract customers who wouldn’t otherwise stop by.

This usually causes the nearby store or gas station to lower their prices to match the sudden reduction.

What is unique about this situation is that not one, but two gas stations have decided to lower the price of a gallon of gasoline, sparking a rare “price war.”

If you’re counting, QuikTrip at 8070 East State Street was the first to drop its prices.

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Kelly Williamson Mobil and BP soon followed suit.

For us, that means, “Hey, we’re saving on gas costs.”

Read more: Is it really that bad to use your phone at the gas pump?

If you’re not a QuikTrip, Kelly Williamson or BP customer, do you go there to save gas money?

Are you loyal to a particular gas station, as the article on MyStateline suggests and confirmed by people who admitted to being loyal to that gas station?

Is that true? I’ve never thought about leaning one way or the other in terms of my energy needs, but maybe I haven’t paid much attention to it.

Do you have a preferred gas station or do you choose the one that best suits your budget?

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By Jasper

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