Former restaurant worker talks about how bad to-go orders are at fancy restaurants. – “Why was this the solution?” » TwistedSifter

Former restaurant worker talks about how bad to-go orders are at fancy restaurants. – “Why was this the solution?” » TwistedSifterFormer restaurant worker talks about how bad to-go orders are at fancy restaurants. – “Why was this the solution?” » TwistedSifter

If you are one of those people who likes to order take-out food from restaurants, you might want to reconsider your opinion after watching this video.

It comes from a restaurant worker named Dom, who told us what really happens behind the scenes when people pick up food.

Source: TikTokSource: TikTok

Dom said, “What’s the weirdest thing a company has taught you in the past? And I’m not talking about normal things like, ‘We used to close like crazy five minutes early.’ I’m talking about things that, even during the training, you thought, ‘Oh, that must be illegal.'”

He said he was in charge of takeout orders at a fancy restaurant, adding that the kitchen “couldn’t get their shit together and prepared the takeout orders way too early, which resulted in people not being happy with the food.”

Source: TikTokSource: TikTok

Dom said that despite complaints from customers, the kitchen never received any further training in this department.

Instead, Dom recalls, they were trained to “say ‘Perfect Timing’ when they walk in the door, and we’ll replace the clear lid with one that you can’t see through. That will give them the illusion that their food is fresh and just cooked, so they won’t check.”

Dom asked the audience: “Why was that the solution?”

Good question, buddy…

Source: TikTokSource: TikTok

Here is the video.


They also had a “no remakes” policy, so you can imagine how that turned out

♬ Original sound – dom

And this is how people reacted:

This viewer shared his thoughts.

Source: TikTokSource: TikTok

Another person had an interesting answer.

Source: TikTokSource: TikTok

And this TikTok user shared a story.

Source: TikTokSource: TikTok

Maybe we should all just eat at home from now on?

If you enjoyed this story, check out this video of a former Chipotle employee revealing how the company cheats customers out of food.

By Jasper

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