FFXIV Gil Coin Collector Set for sale via Square Enix

Square Enix opened the sale for a FFXIV Coin collection featuring Gil coins available worldwide. They cost $36.99 in the US store and are expected to be released in February 2025. The 3,960 yen set will be available in Japan on November 23, 2024.

The collection includes four coins based on the Gil, which was FFXIV in a decorative box. They are made of zinc alloy and are the same size as real coins. The first coin on the left is the standard 100 gil coin used throughout the game. Square Enix noted that Nymeia is depicted on it. The other three are “commemorative” founding anniversary coins. Limsa Lominsa’s has Merlwyb on the front and the obsidian longboat on the back. Ul’dah’s has the golden scales on the back. Gridania’s has the Elder Seedseer on the front and the fleur-de-lis and serpents of the flag on the back.

All replicas first appeared at the Fan Festival 2019 in Europe. This is the first time that Square Enix has released the FFXIV Gil is back on sale. Here’s a gallery of the three images Square Enix shared with us to show what the Gil coins would look like in real life.

Final Fantasy XIV is available for PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X and PC. The FFXIV Coin Collection will be released on November 23, 2024 in Japan and in February 2025 in the US.

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By Jasper

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