F-15E Strike Eagle from Mountain Home makes emergency landing in Fresno

An F-15E Strike Eagle fighter jet from the 391st Fighter Wing at Mountain Home Air Force Base made an emergency landing in Fresno.

Officials told our sister station in Fresno that the pilot declared an emergency due to a hydraulic failure.

The pilot attempted to land at Fresno Yosemite International Airport, but the arresting cable broke at the east end of the runway. The pilot made a second landing attempt from the west end of the runway, but his hook missed the cable.

The pilot was able to fly to Naval Air Station Lemoore, whose 13,500-foot runways are about 4,000 feet longer than the runways at Fresno Yosemite International Airport, and land safely.

Mountain Home Air Force Base issued the following statement to CBS2.

“On August 21, 2024, an F-15E Strike Eagle from the 391st Fighter Wing at Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho, diverted to Fresno Yosemite International Airport due to an in-flight emergency. After failing to land at the first site, the pilot followed Air Force procedure and safely landed the aircraft at Naval Air Station Lemoore. The training and professionalism of our pilots ensured a quick and effective response to the in-flight emergency. All landing attempts were within standard parameters and the landing and equipment are under review.”

By Jasper

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