Denver International Airport is wild


  • Denver International Airport is dedicated to conspiracy theories and offers exhibitions that unravel the stories behind secret underground bunkers and hidden messages.
  • Some believe that there are tunnels in the airport for aliens, lizards or VIPs to provide protection in the event of a disaster or apocalypse.
  • There is speculation that the DIA has Nazi ties, as the layout of the catwalk resembles a swastika and the artwork contains secret messages relating to the Freemasons.

Many people travel in or through the city Denver , Colorado every day. Most of these people will use Denver International Airport (DIA) for all or part of their adventure. It’s an easy decision, especially since you can visit Denver on a budget. What many of these people don’t know, however, is that the airport they’re using and the city they’re exploring are rife with conspiracy theories.

Is Denver International Airport hiding something from the public? Is the city hiding secrets from the past? With all the ideas floating around, it can be difficult to distinguish fact from fiction. Here, we analyze the different stories and which elements may be true.


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Denver International Airport is at the center of many conspiracy theories

Given the ongoing public interest, the airport has decided to consider the many theories

Denver International Airport (DEN) interior view

The world is no stranger when it comes to bizarre stories and ideas. From conspiracy theories about the Egyptian pyramids to Elvis’ death, it seems like we’ve heard it all before. And yet, for some reason, Denver International Airport has been the target of various conspiracy theories over the years.

While the administration initially didn’t know what to do with the alleged stories, it soon realized that it was in its best interest to join in with the hype rather than resist it. Today, DIA administration exhibits can sometimes be found in the terminals decoding the various conspiracy theories and providing current and historical context alongside photos and documents.

Does the DIA house aliens in underground bunkers?

Are the tunnels for aliens, lizards or the elite of society?

Seating area at Denver International Airport
Framalicious /

Seating area at Denver International Airport

If you were to believe all of these stories, you might think that there is a lot of alien activity in the United States. From the theories about UFOs in Joshua Tree to the unexplained occurrences in Roswell, the subject comes up frequently. When it comes to Denver, Colorado, many would believe that the city is safe from invasion. However, not everyone believes that.

For years, there have been theories that various activities are carried out in tunnels beneath Denver International Airport. While some believe that aliens live beneath the runways, others firmly believe that tunnels were built there to provide shelter for government officials and Hollywood’s elite in the event of a nationwide disaster or apocalypse.

As if these ideas weren’t crazy enough, there is also the idea that giant lizards currently live in the underground tunnels and have been living there for many years.


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Does DIA’s design contain hidden messages?

You may see a runway, but is that really all?

Outside Denver International Airport (DEN)
Luciof, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Outside Denver International Airport (DEN)

Not only is Denver International Airport the victim of speculation about aliens, giant lizards, and hidden underground bunkers for desperate celebrities, but the airport is also said to intentionally incorporate secret messages into its terminals and exterior design. When we say secret messages, we don’t mean Google Earth Easter eggs or Taylor Swift song references. Unfortunately, the DIA’s alleged secret messages are much more serious.

First of all, there has been speculation over the years that Denver International Airport has Nazi ties. The evidence provided for this claim is the layout of the airport’s runways. While many consider them simply standard runways with a common layout, others believe they were intentionally designed to be in the shape of a Nazi swastika.

Others look at the artwork that can be seen throughout the airport terminals. What may look like a beautiful piece of art to most is said to contain secret messages from a group called the Freemasons. In addition, the iconic blue horse that greets travelers as they approach Denver International Airport is believed to be connected to sinister influences from some groups.

Whether this is true or not is unknown. However, the horse is nicknamed Blucifer.

While these notions are quite realistic for some people, the vast majority know they are not true. Denver National Airport staff has made an effort to disprove these wild assumptions through visual attractions and programs, including a costume party hosted at the airport in honor of the various theories!

Yet despite their efforts, the ideas are still circulating and will likely continue to do so for many years to come.

By Jasper

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