Customer finds grocery clerk’s engagement ring in bag

Imagine this: you’re leaving work at the end of a long day and you happen to look at your left hand and notice that the diamond engagement ring that was there this morning is suddenly missing. For 28-year-old Morganne Moreno, a grocery store clerk in Cowbridge, a small town in Wales, this unfortunate scenario was her reality. BBC reports.

When she noticed that her engagement ring – which she got from her fiancé Josh in March of this year – was no longer on the ring finger of her left hand, “it hit her hard,” says Morganne. “Everything was going through my head, but somehow I knew it had ended up in a customer’s bag,” she notes. Although she was sure the ring had probably gone home with a customer, Morganne and her colleagues searched the entire store. Unfortunately, they found nothing. “I think I did that a million times over the weekend, back and forth, back and forth.”

In a last-ditch effort to get this special piece of jewelry back, the bride-to-be asked the store to post a “request” for its return on its Facebook page. “Honestly, I didn’t think I would get it back,” she says. But on Monday night, as Morganne was getting ready for bed, her co-worker sent her a message telling her some good news. A customer had found the engagement ring at the bottom of her shopping bag and was hoping to return it to its rightful owner.

The next day, the ring was back on Morganne’s finger. “We picked up the ring on Tuesday because a woman sent Sarah a message saying she found it in her bag,” she says. “I’m so relieved. I’ve really been through everything and then when I heard the final result, of course I was so relieved. This whole experience has restored my faith in humanity. It makes you realize that there are really good people out there who want to help.”

This isn’t the first time an important piece of wedding jewelry has gone missing in a grocery store. Last year, a Trader Joe’s employee found a Tiffany & Co. customer’s 40-year-old wedding ring lost among racks of ribs. “It was incredible to find the ring,” said store manager Orlando Cintron, who spotted the gold ring at the time. “When we heard they had lost a wedding ring, we felt so bad.” The lesson? Whether you’re shopping or working, keep an eye on your engagement ring and wedding band whenever you’re at the grocery store.

By Jasper

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