Curfew in the City of Hendersonville from 8:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. | City of Hendersonville, NC

State of emergency in Hendersonville

To ensure public safety and keep people off the streets, many of which are impassable due to downed trees, power lines and flooding, Mayor Barbara Volk has expanded the City of Hendersonville’s state of emergency to include a curfew from 8:00 p.m.

The first changed mayor declared a state of emergency

WHEREASThe National Weather Service has issued a Tropical Storm Warning/Warning for the city beginning September 25, 2024. Tropical Storm Helene, which is expected to bring heavy rainfall, flash flooding, significant stream/river flooding, strong winds and possible tornadoes , which could result in fallen trees, power outages and hazardous travel conditions, where the declaration of a state of emergency triggers the ability to take action to address all of the above conditions if necessary; And

WHEREASOn September 26, 2024, a state of emergency was declared by City of Hendersonville Mayor Barbara G. Volk pursuant to NCGS § 166A-19.22 and pursuant to the approval of the Hendersonville Code of Ordinances, Chapter 36, Article V, Division 2. And;

WHEREASthe State of North Carolina has delegated to the City Council and, if provided, the Mayor, the authority to issue such proclamations and any subsequent proclamations that may restrict freedom of movement and other actions during declared emergencies; And

WHEREASthe City of Hendersonville has delegated to the City Council and, if so ordered, the Mayor, the authority to issue such proclamations and any other subsequent proclamations that may restrict freedom of movement and other actions during declared emergencies; And

WHEREAS, The City of Hendersonville was impacted by exceptionally large amounts of rain, flooding, and strong winds as part of Tropical Storm Helene, resulting in damage and destruction throughout the city and causing devastating impacts throughout the city, including but not limited to blockages and flooded streets, flooded homes, businesses and public facilities and widespread power outages; And

WHEREAS, The City’s critical urban infrastructure, including the wastewater treatment plant, was impacted by the impacts of Helen, resulting in its temporary shutdown and the necessary exodus of personnel to restore operations, and

WHEREAS, These impacts from Helene have significantly impacted the City’s ability to clear roads, restore essential services, and respond to emergencies and needs in our community

WHEREAS, to enable City personnel, including but not limited to public works, fire, police and utilities, whose numbers and resources are limited due to widespread devastation, to better respond to Helene’s impacts and to City emergencies to respond, and to protect public safety overall, as Mayor I believe it is necessary to restrict the movement of the public in and around the city, in and on the streets and public vehicular areas, including both private and public streets (both state-owned) restrict and public streets of the city);

NOW, THEREFORE, By the authority vested in me by the State of North Carolina and pursuant to City Code of Ordinances Section 36-182, I, Barbara G. Volk, Mayor of the City of Hendersonville, hereby declare that a state of emergency is in effect and proclaim the effectiveness of emergency measures such as: follows:

  1. This state of emergency is declared by the City of Hendersonville.
  2. The state of emergency applies from September 26, 2024 at 8:00 a.m.
  3. The state of emergency extends to the municipal boundaries of the City of Hendersonville and to all city-owned properties and facilities.
  4. The City Manager is hereby authorized to take necessary actions and expend City funds to protect City facilities and the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Hendersonville.
  5. All special event permits are hereby revoked until the end of the state of emergency.
  6. Pursuant to the authority of NCGS 166A-19.31 and Section 36-134 of the Hendersonville City Code of Ordinances, I hereby impose an 8:00 p.m. curfew for all residents of the City. Such curfew shall restrict and prevent the presence and movement of people in public places and shall restrict and prevent the presence and movement of all persons on and around all public and private streets and public vehicular areas; provided, however, that such curfew does not restrict any of the following:

A. Law enforcement personnel in carrying out their legal duties.

B. The staff of the city and volunteer fire departments in fulfilling their statutory duties.

C. All City and other publicly employed emergency personnel shall act as emergency management in managing emergency operations and otherwise responding to the effects of Helene and to emergencies within the City.

D. Utility personnel (water, sewer, electric, telecommunications, gas and all public utilities) in the performance of their duties, including but not limited to the repair and restoration of utility services.

e. Emergency medical personnel and first responders carrying out their duties.

F. Other volunteers, city staff, or other persons assigned by the city police, city fire department, public works staff, city manager, or deputy city manager to provide emergency response to respond to the effects of Helene or to emergencies in the city .

G. Personnel working in a medical facility, e.g. B. a hospital or emergency room, is employed and travels to and from work.

H. People traveling to and from work.

This curfew shall apply from 8:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. the following day each day on which this Declaration is in effect, or until lifted by amendment to this Declaration.

  1. The state of emergency is in effect until lifted by the mayor or mayor pro tem.
  2. The City Clerk and others I may designate are hereby directed to distribute this statement to the press and other news media and through electronic distribution media controlled by the City of Hendersonville.

Modified on September 27, 2024.

Curfew in the City of Hendersonville from 8:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. | City of Hendersonville, NC

By Jasper

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