Criticism of Emily Armstrong from Linkin Park: Danny Masterson, Scientology

The Mars Volta Cedric Bixler-Zavala once again sharply criticized Linkin Park’s new singer Sara Armstrong for her ties to the Church of Scientology and her alleged support of convicted rapist Danny Masterson.

“Do your fans know about your friend Danny Masterson? Your friend the rapist,” Bixler-Zavala wrote in a comment on the Instagram page of Armstrong’s band Dead Sara last year.

Bixler-Zavala’s wife, Chrissie Carnell-Bixler, was one of several women who accused Masterson of sexual assault. While the actor was not convicted on the charges related to her allegations, he was found guilty on the charges brought by two other Jane Doe accusers. Carnell-Bixler is also part of a civil lawsuit against Masterson, who was sentenced to 30 years to life in prison.

Bixler-Zavala and Carnell-Bixler are both former Scientologists and have long accused the Church of Scientology of bullying them in their pursuit of justice against Masterson, who is himself a prominent Scientologist. Armstrong also has ties to Scientology: There is a photo (see above) of her and Bixler-Zavala at the Scientology Celebrity Centre in 2013 at a gala celebrating the church’s 44th anniversary; and in 2020, Armstrong appeared at the courthouse, ostensibly to support Masterson during his trial (via journalist and Scientology watchdog Tony Ortega).

Last year, Bixler-Zavala left a comment on Dead Sara’s Instagram page, which he screenshotted and reposted to his stories after it was announced that she had joined Linkin Park. (It appears that Bixler-Zavala has since deleted the story, but it can still be found in Carnell-Bixler’s stories.)


“I’m surprised none of you wrote a letter on behalf of Danny Masterson, since your stupid singer showed up at the primaries to support him,” Bixler-Zavala said. “Remember Emily? Remember how your Scientologist thugs surrounded one of the unknowns as she tried to exit the elevators? The court sheriffs had to escort her away from your horrible cult… How do you reconcile the homophobia found in the teachings of (L. Ron Hubbard’s) book? Dianetics?” (A spokesman for Linkin Park and Armstrong did not immediately return Rolling StonePlease leave a comment.)

In a story of her own, Carnell-Bixler called Armstrong a “hardcore Scientologist who supported convicted serial rapists in and out of court” (referring to Masterson but not mentioning him by name). “Emily Armstrong is a true believer in the Scientology cult/criminal organization that engages in human and child trafficking, child and elder abuse, and the cover-up of countless (sexual assaults) on children and adults.” (The church has faced numerous accusations of human trafficking and abuse over the years, but has denied them.)

By Jasper

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