Columbus restaurant Ding Ho becomes famous on TikTok and shortens its opening hours

Ding Ho, a Cantonese restaurant and a mainstay of Columbus’ local dining scene since 1956, is in the internet spotlight after a TikTok video featuring the eatery went viral.

Since it was posted five days ago by food content creator Rob Martinez (@eatingwithrobert), the short video has garnered over 92,000 likes and more than 10,000 comments, many from locals sharing their own personal stories and cross-generational ties to the restaurant, demonstrating the restaurant’s presence in the community.

The restaurant, located at 120 Phillipi Road, said demand has increased significantly due to the high level of attention. Its website states that it will close earlier than usual at 7pm, instead of the usual 9pm. The restaurant is also not currently accepting online takeaway orders.

The earlier closing times and the stop of take-away orders are only temporary until the situation calms down.

The video was posted online as part of Martinez’s series highlighting restaurants across the country in what he calls “big-hearted videos about people and food” in the style of a short but heartfelt documentary.

The restaurant thanked Martinez for the contribution in its website post.

In his TikTok account bio, Martinez noted that he is in Columbus this week for his restaurant tour. Ding Ho is the only Columbus business featured so far, but more from the area could follow soon.

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By Jasper

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