Citizens support the closure of a family restaurant

ASH FLAT, Arkansas (KAIT) – Meacham’s Family Restaurant has been a Sharp County staple for more than 45 years. On Thursday, August 15, owner Alix Meacham made a post on TikTok about the condition of the restaurant.

The Meacham family purchased the restaurant in 1979 and for decades it was known as BJ’s Fine Food until the name was changed.

“In 2012, we moved from BJ’s Fine Food to Meacham’s, that’s when we made the transition. They were able to do the remodeling they always wanted,” Meacham said. “I think that was one of the proudest moments of my parents’ lives.”

Raised by her parents, Meacham grew up watching them serve this community and bring smiles to people’s faces for years.

She moved from Jonesboro back to Ash Flat to help her parents run the restaurant and took over when they passed away.

Danny Schultz, who has been visiting the restaurant for years, remembers the influence Meacham’s parents had.

“I remember Roberta, everyone called her Bert and she was just a joy, she always managed to put a smile on everyone’s face and she was always out in the restaurant greeting people,” Schultz said, “that’s what I love about them, real hometown.”

The restaurant was able to survive the COVID-19 pandemic, but even several years later, the pandemic left its mark on the restaurant.

Meacham says the restaurant was making good profits day by day in 2022, but when she recently took a look at the financials, she saw that the restaurant was in the red.

“We had to spend every single penny to stay open, and unfortunately last week we ran out of every last penny,” Meacham said.

Meacham cares about her employees, and as the cost of living increases, she has made sure her employees can survive. She refuses to lay anyone off or cut wages or hours.

“They couldn’t have survived and I’m not here to get rich. I’m here to make sure the people I love and care about are OK,” Meacham said.

After the social media post, support immediately poured in.

Meacham said it was not just Ash Flat that provided support, but communities throughout Region 8 and beyond.

“Without the support of our local communities, we would never have survived. We would have closed by now,” Meacham said. “I was about to give up. The support we’ve received in the last 48 hours has really helped me see the positive. I can’t thank them enough.”

Meacham added that support from the community, banks and surrounding areas has helped keep the restaurant moving in the right direction. They say they won’t give up.

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By Jasper

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