Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation installs communication board at River Heritage Park

Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation installs communication board at River Heritage ParkPhoto provided by Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation

Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation (CCPR) has installed a communication board at River Heritage Park, 11813 River Road. Designed as an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) form of communication, the communication board will enhance the park experience for non-speaking and language-impaired community members.

A communication board is a device that displays symbols and images to help people with limited language skills to express themselves better. Users can point or gesture at the images on the board to nonverbally express and communicate their feelings and needs.

The communication board at River Heritage Park also has a QR code. By scanning the code with your phone, individuals can digitally take the communication board with them during their visit, rather than having to keep going to the board to convey their message.

In June 2001, River Heritage Park was dedicated as a “playground for all” where people of all abilities can play and explore the environment. This park was the catalyst for CCPR’s focus on making accessibility the standard for all parks using Universal Design, which ensures that areas are intentionally designed for accessibility. When River Heritage Park was redesigned in 2022, CCPR outfitted the park with a new inclusive playground that is wheelchair accessible and a 1.2 km immersive nature trail overlooking the White River that is wheelchair accessible.

“We hope the communication board at River Heritage Park will help assist people with communication challenges so that all people, regardless of their abilities, can participate in and enjoy the natural spaces in our community,” said Kelvin Solares, CCPR Inclusion Program instructor.

CCPR plans to install additional communication panels in other parks over the next year to provide exceptional park and recreation experiences for all.

By Jasper

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