Cannabis lawyer: DEA “exceeded its authority” in raids on tobacco shops in Texas

When the DEA knocks on the door, good news rarely follows. And several tobacco shops in Allen, Texas that sell cannabis products just learned this the hard way after a raid.

CBS News reportedly attended the raids on Tuesday, August 27, and filmed police officers arresting store employees and effectively shutting down nine tobacco shops in Allen by destroying products and taking cash registers.

According to CBS, the stores were selling products with “illegal levels of THC.” Allen Police Department Chief Steve Dye told the news agency that police officers conducted undercover investigations and even sent minors to various tobacco shops to purchase products. But not everyone agrees with the way police conducted the raids, let alone the reason behind them.

San Marcos-based hemp attorney David Sergi of Sergi & Associates represents the Allen Hemp Coalition, which includes some of the companies targeted in the recent raids. In an emailed statement, Sergi said, “Under Texas law, there is a right way and a wrong way to handle products that may not be compliant,” noting that law enforcement officials “took completely the wrong approach and will be held accountable for the recent raids in Allen.”

By Jasper

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