Blind Date: “He gave the manager feedback on my food on my behalf” | Dating

Ella about John

What were you hoping for?
Something interesting to do on a Saturday afternoon.

First impressions?
We had separate seats, so it was confusing trying to find each other. He seemed excited to be there, but I think we were both a little nervous.

What did you talk about?
We had both recently seen “Challengers” and so, from “KC Undercover,” we talked about Zendaya’s career and its trajectory.

Most embarrassing moment?
At the end of the date, he asked me to send him the selfie we had to take. I suggested AirDrop, but he asked for my phone number instead. Or when he gave the manager feedback on my food on my behalf.

Good table manners?
Perfectly good, although he ordered way too much.

The best thing about John?
He had a good conversation, always went into detail about a story and asked me follow-up questions.

Would you introduce John to your friends?
Maybe. We’re at different stages of life, so I don’t think he would be a good match.

questions and answers

Fancy a blind date?


Blind Date is Saturday’s dating column: each week two strangers are paired up for dinner and drinks, then unpack it all by answering a series of questions. This column appears every Saturday in Saturday Magazine (in the UK) and online at It also features a photo of each dater that we take before the date. It’s been running since 2009 – you can read all about how we put it together here.

What questions will I be asked?
We ask about your age, where you live, your job, hobbies, interests and the type of person you want to meet. If you feel these questions don’t cover everything you want to know, tell us what’s on your mind.

Can I choose who I match with?
No, it’s a blind date! But we will ask you a few questions about your interests, preferences, etc. – the more you tell us, the better we’ll probably be a match.

Can I choose the photo?
No, but don’t worry: we select the most beautiful ones.

What personal information is displayed?
Your first name, occupation and age.

How should I answer?
Be honest but respectful. Remember how your date will respond and that blind dates reach a large audience in print and online.

Will I see the other person’s answers?
No. We may edit your and their submissions for a variety of reasons, including length, and we may ask you for additional details.

Will you find the one for me?
We’ll try! Get married! Have babies!

Can I do this in my hometown?
Only if it’s in the UK. Many of our applicants live in London, but we’d love to hear from people who live elsewhere too.

How to apply
Email: [email protected]

Thank you for your feedback!

Describe John in three words.
Friendly. Introverted, but eager.

What do you think John has made of you?
We didn’t have much in common. He suggested I get in touch when I was in London, but maybe that was just politeness.

Did you go anywhere further?
No, I met a friend afterwards.

And… did you kiss?
No. There was a distant hug as we said goodbye.

If you could change one thing about this evening, what would it be?
I would change my order because the fries weren’t the most pleasant.

Grades out of 10?
For a date: 6. Otherwise: 7.

Would you meet again?
It would be quite unlikely.

John and Ella on their date

John about Ella

What were you hoping for?
A meaningful connection or a new friendship. And delicious food as a bonus.

First impressions?
A beautiful smile – I knew that interesting conversations would lie ahead.

What did you talk about?
Whether dark chocolate belongs in chilli con carne. Cultural differences between London, Cambridge and Manchester. Ella was kind enough to teach me the brownie promise.

Most embarrassing moment?
I was seated at another table until the waiter brought us together. We were also surprised by the edible beef fat candle that was served with our bread.

Good table manners?
Impeccable. She prepared her burger and fries with finesse.

The best thing about Ella?
Her subtle wit and her love of learning.

Would you introduce Ella to your friends?
That would make me happy.

Describe Ella in three words.
Elegant, intelligent, calm.

What do you think Ella has made of you?
Maybe a little curious and eccentric, but honestly, I’m not sure.

Did you go anywhere further?
No, Ella had already arranged to meet a friend somewhere else.

And… did you kiss?
We hugged before we parted.

If you could change one thing about this evening, what would it be?
When meeting in the evening the atmosphere is different.

Grades out of 10?
Giving someone a rating of 10 feels so reductionist, I’m sorry! But if I have to, then 7.

Would you meet again?
If we were in the same area, it would be nice to see each other again. Who knows?

Ella and John ate at Macellaio RC, London W1. Fancy a blind date? Email: [email protected]

By Jasper

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