Bikini scene from “Full Throttle” and why she felt after the film that there was “no place for me” in Hollywood

Demi Moore looks back on her career after the lead role in Charlie’s Angels – Full Throttle alongside Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore and Lucy Liu.

“Interestingly, I felt (criticism) more when I turned 40. I had Charlie’s Angelsand there was a lot of talk about that scene in the bikini, and it was all very exaggerated, a lot of talk about how I looked,” Moore told Michelle Yeoh for interview Magazine. “And then I realized that there didn’t seem to be a place for me. It wasn’t that I didn’t feel like I belonged. It was more that I felt like I’m not 20, I’m not 30, but I wasn’t what they perceived as a mother yet.”

After her role as Madison Lee in the film Charlie’s Angels sequel, Moore questioned her place in Hollywood.

“Where do I fit in? It was a time that didn’t feel dead, it felt flat,” Moore said. “I don’t know if I’ve ever done that when I’ve encountered something that I don’t understand is a limitation.”

She continued, “I have to say, there was a moment when I started to question whether this is really what I’m meant to be doing. Maybe this part of my life is finished. Not even finished, but finished. Then I realized if I’m going to question it, I have to give it energy so I know for sure.”

McG directed the action comedy and Moore played the film’s villain, a former angel who went into business as an independent agent.

By Jasper

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