Big weather changes! Chance of rain, cooler air in Phoenix

Big weather changes are coming to Arizona this weekend!

Leftover moisture from Tropical Storm Ileana, along with a storm system moving in from the northwest, will bring back the chance of showers and thunderstorms this weekend, finally ending our month-long, record-breaking streak of 60+ degrees Fahrenheit temperatures.



As of Friday, Phoenix has recorded 110 consecutive days of triple-digit temperatures. The previous record was 76 consecutive days of triple-digit temperatures, set in August 1993. That means we beat the previous record by over a month!

There may be another day of triple-digit temperatures on Saturday, after which temperatures are likely to drop.

The last time the high temperature in Phoenix was above 30 degrees was on May ! This cooling down has been a long time coming.

Showers and thunderstorms are expected in the valley from Saturday evening until early Sunday morning.

Currently, the period from Sunday afternoon to Monday afternoon appears to be the most affected. Isolated showers and thunderstorms could bring brief, heavy downpours, local flooding, gusty winds, dust and lightning.

Parts of the valley could see between 0.6 and 1.9 centimeters of rain, and higher elevations to the north and east could see over 2.5 centimeters of rain between Saturday and Monday.

With so much rain forecast, there is also a risk of isolated flash flooding throughout Arizona.



If you encounter flooded areas, remember: “Turn back, don’t drown.” Do not attempt to drive through flooded roads or riverbeds.

All it takes is water to reach the bottom of a car and you can lose control or even stall your vehicle. One foot of water will float most vehicles, and two feet of raging water can sweep away most vehicles, including trucks and SUVs.

On Tuesday it will dry out quickly, but cooler air will continue to move in.

From Tuesday, maximum temperatures in the valley will reach just over 35 degrees, with minimum temperatures at night ranging between 18 and 21 degrees.

By Jasper

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