Assemblage Vintage Shop Expands into Santa Barbara’s Funk Zone | Local News

At the end of Santa Barbara Street, there’s a space where funky clothing hangs on racks in front of a former loading dock. Vintage light fixtures hang from an industrial ceiling with exposed pipes. This sets the scene for Assemblage, the Funk Zone’s newest vintage shop.

“For most people it’s not the ideal retail environment, but for me it’s perfect,” said owner Henry Castelo.

Castelo has been in the resale industry since 1997. “Some companies are in business just to be in business; I’m in business because I love what I do,” he said.

Assemblage opens in May and has 20 vendors in one location. The store offers vintage clothing, accessories, records and furniture.

Why Assemblage

Assemblage is an art form where you collect fun objects and create new life with them, says Castelo.

He began practicing this mindset during his time at a commune in Ojai. “Ojai really opened my eyes to a different way of life,” Castelo said. “These people who lived a life of used clothing and repairing things instead of buying new.”

In addition to resale, Assemblage also buys used items that can be repurposed, such as old lighting fixtures, plumbing parts and doors.

Castelo cited the example of a client who used Spanish-style iron from an old window to build a gate for the garden of her newly renovated home.

Assemblage owner Henry Castelo's collection of vintage faucets and plumbing parts.
Assemblage owner Henry Castelo’s collection of vintage faucets and plumbing parts.
Credit: Sydnie Bierma / Noozhawk Photo

The future of assemblage

Assemblage is already under construction; the latest addition is an outdoor courtyard.

The area displays outdoor furniture and offers shoppers a place to hang out and socialize, Castelo said.

“I want to give a glimpse into the character of the community. I want to give a glimpse into the unity of the community. I want to give a glimpse into the fortitude,” he said.

The store at 111 Santa Barbara St. is open daily except Tuesdays from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.

By Jasper

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