

By Don C. Reed

“We must fight like we have never fought before…” – Barack Obama, 20.08.2024

“For evil to triumph, it is enough for men of good will to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke

“Do something!” –Michelle Obama, 20.08.2024

First a story:

I experienced poison gas as a private in the army in 1963.

“There are two kinds of poison gas,” said the sergeant as he handed out the gas masks. “Cry now or cry sooner: CN or CS. We’re using CS today. That’s the bad kind.”

A wave of murmuring filled the airtight room.

As I adjusted the straps, I tried to ignore the claustrophobia as the black rubber limited my field of vision

“If I take off my mask, you do the same,” he continued.

Why should I take off a perfectly intact mask, I thought, when there is poison gas nearby?

The sergeant turned a knob – hsssssssssss – a dirty cloud filled the room…

“All right, boys,” said the sergeant, taking off his mask.

I ripped mine off and tried not to think about it. I immediately felt sunburnt. Tears streamed down my cheeks. My nose felt like someone had stuck fingers in it. I desperately needed a tissue.

A man still pressed the mask to his head.

“Everyone has to breathe,” said the sergeant.

There was a break.

“Help him,” said the sergeant, and we did, full of enthusiasm.

But when he took off the mask, he covered his face with his hands.

“He must still be breathing,” said the sergeant.

The reluctant warrior coughed, choked – and vomited.

The sergeant opened the door.

We tumbled into the cool, clean air…

What does this have to do with the “ultimate enemy”?

First, you may not have recently choked on CS, but you have almost certainly inhaled contaminants, a type of poisonous gas that can build up and lead to cancer.

Second, how was the heat for you this summer? I slept with three fans on HIGH for a few days, but even so, the airflow was stiflingly hot and next summer’s weather looks even worse.

The air is full of pollutants and stores more heat than usual. Heat. Half of the world is so hot and dry that we are increasingly running out of drinking water.

Third, wildfires are increasing. I once drove on a highway that was engulfed in fire on both sides, orange walls of flames. What if there had been a traffic jam?

Our future of pollution could be decided by November 5th Choice.

If Donald Trump wins the upcoming election, everyone loses except him and his rich friends who play in his pink palace. As for the rest of us, we will be doomed to ever more pollution and ever more global warming.

Nevertheless, we can win.

We can give authority to those fighting pollution. With Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in the White House, supported by a green Congress, we can control air pollution and work to restore a healthy environment for all.

What is the ultimate enemy? What do we have to fear most? A word, perhaps, that describes an attitude


When we pretend we don’t care, when we give up before we have to, or when we just don’t try, we neglect our responsibilities. Don’t we have children, grandchildren, friends – not to mention ourselves? We all deserve a safe and beautiful world.

It is humanity’s job to fight the Earth’s problems, especially by electing outstanding people – like Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz – to help us prevail.

It will be a hard-fought victory; nothing of value comes cheap. But it is definitely doable. Only if we do nothing will we be a final defeat.

As the old saying goes, “If we never give up, we can only win or die. And everyone dies, so why not try?”

–Don C. Reed,

PS: I have no connection to the Kamala Harris Victory Fund – other than that I respect and support them. As a “small donor” I just sent them another $25 – could you do the same? Below is an easy way to reach them.

By Jasper

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