Amarillo’s dispute with this restaurant is over with the reopening

With many restaurants closing in Amarillo, it’s nice to have some of them back. The rumors are going around town. We’ve heard that Malcolm’s might make a comeback. That would be nice.

While we wait for news on that, it’s nice to see another local favorite has reopened. Yes, you can officially go to Beef O’Brady’s again. They’re fully staffed and ready to get you back in and become one of your favorites again.

So if you end up not going anymore or have a bad experience, know that they are willing to make you forget everything. You will go back for daily specials. That is very important in a time when everything is so expensive. Having a break is nice. Beef O’Brady’s gives us that break.

They have something we haven’t seen in this building in a long time. A full staff. A staff that enjoys being there. They’ve remodeled a little bit, so be aware of that when you come in. Oh, and from what I’ve noticed, they’ve moved the games. They’re not gone. They’re just not in the back left anymore. Don’t worry, they’re still there.

They closed late last year due to a lockout, but that’s over. The locks are off and the new owners and management are ready to welcome Amarillo back through those doors.

Closed Restaurants in Amarillo 2024

A current list of the restaurants we lost in Amarillo this year.

Gallery credit: Melissa Bartlett/TSM

Amarillo restaurants opening in 2024…so far

Here are all the new restaurants that opened their doors in 2024

Gallery credit: Sarah Clark/TSM

By Jasper

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