Aging in place becomes easier with AgeTech

The world has seen impressive achievements, but perhaps one of the greatest is the improvement in life expectancy. In the 19th century, the average life expectancy was about 30 years; today it is 73. In addition, advances in hygiene and healthcare are allowing people to live longer and healthier lives.

Population shift

While this is good news, it also raises concerns about an ageing population. For example, in the mid-1960s there were about 129 million people over 65, while today there are about 750 million and this number is expected to rise to 2.5 billion by 2100. In addition, there were almost 20,000 centenarians in the 1960s, and this number is expected to rise to 19 million by 2100.

As the population ages, the world’s demographics are changing. According to recent statistics, the number of people over 65 has increased from around 129 million in 1965 to 750 million.

Technology follows change

The way we age is changing and we are living longer and healthier lives. While technology has made great strides, more new monitoring and predictive technologies are needed to support this shift in healthcare and move towards preventive healthcare to track non-communicable diseases such as cancer, diabetes, dementia and heart disease.

The perception of age is also changing. People want to stay active and independent for as long as possible, and this is where AgeTech can help. There are many products that can make daily life easier and combat feelings of loneliness, but those that can monitor health and well-being on a regular basis are not always available. Most of these devices have traditionally been for professional use only and have been quite large and expensive.

This is where modern innovations come into the field of aging populations. AgeTech solutions help meet the needs of an aging population by providing products and services designed to make aging easier.

Aging on site with AgeTech

Technology is constantly evolving. AI and IoT are helping to make it more user-friendly and cover multiple purposes in a single compact and affordable product that can be easily integrated into our lives. AgeTech solutions are extensive and include smart home devices, robotics, digital health, mobility, health technology, education, entertainment, communication, fall prevention, exercise and much more.

From watches to clothing to mats, these new technologies are becoming increasingly adaptable to the lives of older people. Unfortunately, according to AARP, more than 65% of people over 50 still believe that technology isn’t designed for them.

However, the right devices can really make a difference in preventative healthcare, and comprehensive technology coverage can help monitor health status through real-time data collection that can be synced to approved connected applications that can be viewed by healthcare providers, caregivers and loved ones to provide regular health updates and peace of mind. Monitoring health metrics is critical for those who want to maintain their independence and stay at home.

There is an app for that

The more this age group is exposed to these technologies, the more likely it is that more and more people will be able to continue to stay healthy at home and keep track of the areas of their lives that they need to improve to prevent illness and avoid accidents.

Home devices can monitor movement in the home and be programmed to different schedules or routines to provide verbal reminders. They can also be linked to wearable devices and other devices such as lighting and thermostats.

Smart devices such as wearables that track steps, sleep patterns, oxygen levels and heart rate can alert you to abnormal patterns.

Smart bath mats collect data on movement, balance, weight, etc. to help improve abnormalities.

App-controlled automatic medication dispensers can ensure that no medications are forgotten.

Others can monitor and optimize nutrition to improve metabolic health or diabetes fluctuations. There are a variety of different smart devices and software that can provide insight and monitor loved ones as they evolve and consider their needs.

Companies recognize the importance of support

Larger technology companies and startups are also partnering to bring smart technologies into the homes of older people. For example, AARP’s Agetech Collaborative systems are trying to introduce more user-friendly technologies so that older generations can age more comfortably in their homes.

More and more companies are recognizing the importance of supporting the aging population and are investing in developing accessible tools and devices to provide the aging population with new innovations to effectively monitor their health and promote safety and independence, allowing them to spend more time with their loved ones in the comfort of their own home.

Like anything you read on the Internet, this article should not be construed as medical advice. Please speak with your doctor or primary care physician before making any changes to your wellness routine. WHN does not agree with or disagree with any of the materials published. This article is not intended to be a medical diagnosis, recommendation, treatment, or endorsement. Furthermore, it is not intended to disparage any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, individual, or anyone or anything. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

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Aging In Place With AgeTech

Bridging the Digital Gap for Senior Health and Happiness

By Jasper

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