Top streamers criticize Dr. Disspect after his return to streaming

Guy “Dr. Disrespect” Beahm has previously admitted to inappropriately contacting a minor. After a “vacation” lasting several weeks, he has now returned to streaming, made a 20-minute statement about the incident, and then returned to his YouTube gaming as usual.

While some of his fans have welcomed him with open arms, the same cannot be said for the industry’s top streamers, who have previously condemned his behavior. No one has changed their minds, not even his former friends, many of whom cannot believe he even came back. A verbal warning follows.

The most notable statement comes from NickMercs, the highly controversial streamer who was Doc’s former friend and gaming buddy and is not returning at all. He says:

“This ******* Dr Disrespect is married with kids, he’s almost 40. He admits to inappropriately texting a minor. His words, not mine. So I cut ties because that’s obviously unforgivable. And now I’m a *** friend for not having his back??? Bunch of brain-dead idiots on this app.”

Another streaming doctor, Dr. Lupo, voiced one of the most powerful criticisms of Doc’s return:

There’s no way you won’t have fucking brain damage from this. It’s absolutely impossible. If at any point along the way you think “oh, that’s OK,” then there’s something wrong in your head… He messaged a 17-year-old when he was in his late 30s, had a kid and was married, asking her for sex. And every time he talks about it, it’s sugarcoated, it’s simplified, because when are you going to say “yes, I wanted to fuck a teenager”? Do you think he’s going to say that?”

There have been similar statements from other top streamers like xQc, who linked to Rod Breslau’s Rolling Stone report on the facts of the case and said, “Reminder for those whose brains are completely shut down.” Breslau says he “fully stands by his reporting,” which includes the fact that Disrespect sent explicit messages to a person he knew was underage.

Doc gave a long-winded explanation for his actions, saying the person was actually over the age of content, and discussed the legal definitions of “sexting” and “underage,” which led to no criminal charges being filed. Previously, he kept changing and removing the word “underage” in his now-deleted confession tweet, now he says the word was meant to “bait” journalists, and now he says he’s preparing legal action against those who were involved in or reported on the situation. His general explanation, without any evidence such as communicating with Twitch or publishing the messages he sent, has somehow satisfied many of his fans, but not most outside observers, including virtually every other streamer in his industry.

Currently, his monetization on YouTube is suspended, but he will reapply for it in a few weeks. A large part of his audience welcomed him and showered him with kind messages and donations.

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By Jasper

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