What we didn’t see in the Argentine triathlon: Let’s go to Chile, the Pedido of Dibu Martínez and the ranking of the most descendants of Messi and Di María

Argentina went to Chile and was received the highest by the Eliminatorias (REUTERS/Rodrigo Valle)
Argentina went to Chile and was received the highest by the Eliminatorias (REUTERS/Rodrigo Valle)

In its first presentation by the proclamation of the Bicamp of the region, Argentina has elected a new Victoria to consolidate it in the highest position of the table of the South American eliminators and to claim its victory (11 consecutive victories – the last defeat was imposed in November of the year pasado, ante Uruguay-). From 3 to 0 Thanks A Tanto by Alexis Mac Allistera bombazo of Julián Álvarez and another of Paulo Dybala to travel to Chile, which they did not want to leave.

The current came from time, and I wanted to ask him The home of Angel Di Maríaa person who decided to finish his stage with the Albiceleste. Fideo, with the Selección jersey, the Campion Mundial Sub 20, obtained a gold medal in Beijing 2008 and two Subcampeonatos in the Copa América and one in Brazil 2014, joined Spain and wrote his name in the Olympic Games national combination of four other titles: Double result in America (Brazil 2021 and United States 2024), won in the final ahead of Italy and in the Copa del Mundo in Qatar 2022. A total of 145 participants, 31 players at the airport and 29 participants assistants.

The first visitors to the public will wake up shortly before the night watch, when they enter the plantation commanded by Lionel Scaloni on the monument’s gigantic screen. Allí los gamers watched The special recipient that prepared for the AFA was to plan the ring of the stadium path in the Vestuario with gigantografías of one each of those that left the Copa in the United States and the new convocations of the DT For this double month of South American eliminations.

El recibimiento para los campeones de America

“I don’t care about chili”for one of the first canticos in contrast to Roja, clearly before the compromise situation that Ricardo Gareca wanted to leave to send a letter to the World Cup of the United States of America, Canada and Mexico 2026 de los “caramelos”, with Leandro Paredes j Rodrigo DePaulShe entered into an emotional abrazo formation with her wife Francesca in the central circle of the cancha.

The other hits are hidden on the Previa Fueron “El que no salta es un inglés” j “He who is not salty is a traitor”Dos gritos que suelen escucharse en frentamientos conjunto trasandino. “El que no salta, no va al Mundial”fue other de las dicatorios para el rival de turno.

Minutes before 20 minutes have passed, Sergio Goycochea They have joined the event and launched the house for the Hacedor de los Goles Importantes, one of the greatest representatives of the national combination. The lights appear and an emotional video is played on the screens, with the narration of one of their shepherds, MíaI remember all the golpes you made responsible for the romper La Famosa Pared After his dedication, he praised his former comrade and friend Lionel Messiwith whom I played during a million Batalls and also worked with the PSG team.

Ángel Di María was hit with Chile last week (REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian)
Ángel Di María was hit with Chile last week (REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian)

As she entered the camera, along with her two parents and her boyfriend, she shouted a “Fideo, Fideo” from the four teammates in the stadium, accompanied by a “Dale campeón, dale campeón”. El cantante Abel Pinto In addition, the song “No me olvides” was dedicated to him, indicating the cake for the whole nation with a special memory, with the logo on the top of the classic celebration of the crown that the real Benfica man had tras cada gol. Chiqui Tapia, AFA title holderle dio una plata, mientras que Alejandro DomínguezPresident of the Conmebolthe memory of a replica of the Copa América.

“Now I’m standing in the wrong place; I’m sure I’m on the wrong path, because there are so many beautiful things to do along the way.”triggered the Rosarino with his voice.

Dibu Martínez bailó during the entry in heat to the public
Dibu Martínez bailó during the entry in heat to the public

The Arqueros de la Roja authorize the distraction of the public to involve the pre-competitive movements in one of the arcos and avoid the generalized silbatina. The primer and the heat supply in La Scaloneta are electric Dibu MartinezI received an unsolicited pedido in public. “Que baile el Dibu, la p…”. The portero, with a son on the grid, entered without problems and considered the steps that threatened him with a penalty.

Before the defeat of Lionel Messi and the withdrawal of Di María, The great public replica by Emiliano Martínez. El Dibu, with his charisma and his skills, has become one of Argentina’s Baluarte. Rodrigo De Paul, Cuti Romero and the Delanteros Lautaro Martínez and Julián Álvarez are also happy about everything. This also applies to the public reaction adopted by the old parliamentarians under the name of the technical director Lionel Scaloni.

The new Mimados from the Hinchas in the Argentine selection

During the hour of the people the Chilean silbado in principle by those present and was called by some canticos, in particular by one who remembered the delicacy that attracted Gareca in the position table.

I was close to when the Albiceleste had a lot to do with the connection with Molina-De Paul after experiencing one of the biggest challenges to the only one we had in Chile, the second part was frenetic and with a good cheer from Julián Álvarez (Lautaro Martínez la dejó pasar to despise the rivals) Alexis Mac Allister meets in the heart of the area to inflate the red and destroy the place of the local public.

The breakthrough of the marker ended with the Hinchas, who after arriving did not even face the visit and also had to be encouraged to coronate from the tribunes the “Ole, Ole” that was just collaborating with a verdadero golazo over a large number of hoods between all the coronaries Jugadores de La Scaloneta. When I said that the fight for the world missed the precision in the last metropolises, the Araña opened to throw a verdadero bombazo that took advantage of the arc defended by Gabriel Arias.

In the second moment, the monumental ended with songs like us “es para vos, es para vos…” j “One minute of silence, para Chile que está muerto”. Dybala was also hit by a Lindo winner. After winning the 10th season of the selection, he had to show off his talented team for a few minutes, winning 3-0 and enjoying the ovation of the Hinchada.

El Dibu Martínez celebrated with his comrades in the Triunfo in front of Chile (REUTERS/Rodrigo Valle)
El Dibu Martínez celebrated with his comrades in the Triunfo in front of Chile (REUTERS/Rodrigo Valle)

With the inauguration of Victoria, the hour of the holidays had passed and we celebrated the awarding of the American Bicampeon in their first party as if on site during the Corona crisis in Miami. Paul had given up the party, taken the microphone in his hand and went to the people with the Gritos like he did “el bicampeón”, “nos volvimos a ilusionar” O “A mí me volvió loco esta Selection”. Luego, during the Olympic race, the Batuta la Tomó Lautaro Martinez. El Toro I also approved the opportunity to speak to Di María about the Lema “Many thanks to Fideo, who has been there for Argentina for a long time.” In his opinion, El Dibu has not had the opportunity to recover and celebrate his iconic style with the trophy.

In this three-way match, the Albiceleste were confirmed at the highest level of the position table with 18 units, five months after Uruguay, they were immediately followed (Marcelo Bielsa was admitted to Paraguay for the fourth time). Chile, for its part, was recently home together with only five points, more than the city of Peru. Lionel Scaloni entered his tenth fight on September 10, when he visited Colombia, his rival in the final of the last Copa América. Los del Tigre Gareca, in turn, threw a last game with a boleto before the upcoming Copa del Mundo, which Bolivia received and sent it to Venezuela.

By Jasper

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