Park Street A/S – reversal of capital reduction

Park Street A/SPark Street A/S

Park Street A/S

Park Street A/S
Insider information
Park Street A/S – reversal of capital reduction

With reference to the Company’s announcement dated 21 August 2024 regarding the issuance in connection with the cancellation of 2,955,585 Class A treasury shares by Park Street A/S (the “Company”), part of which should have been credited to the account of Park Street NordAc Sarl instead of the Company’s account as treasury shares in connection with the conversion of Class B shares into Class A shares, the Company hereby announces that the Danish Business Authority has today approved the reversal of the previously implemented capital reduction of Class A shares and Class B shares.

Accordingly, 2,955,585 Class A shares will be newly issued, of which 2,137,939 Class A shares will be allocated to Park Street NordAc Sarl. The Company will submit an application for admission to trading and official listing of the newly issued 2,955,585 Class A shares on Nasdaq Copenhagen as soon as possible. In addition, 12,164,865 Class B shares will be newly issued and allocated to the Company as treasury shares.

Pursuant to Section 32 of the Danish Capital Markets Act, the Company’s share capital amounts to DKK 57,175,572, divided into 12,827,637 DKK Class A shares of DKK 1.00 each or multiples thereof and 44,347,935 DKK Class B shares of DKK 1.00 each or multiples thereof.

For further information please contact Pradeep Pattem, CEO, at [email protected]

Corporate website:

Telephone number: +45 33 33 93 03


By Jasper

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