‘A gift of love’: Vicksburg funeral home offers final memorial service for two veterans – The Vicksburg Post

‘A gift of love’: Vicksburg funeral home offers final services for two veterans

Published on Wednesday, August 28, 2024, 19:35

Two deceased veterans, Jack Waters and Richard Wetterling, were buried at Natchez National Cemetery on Wednesday. The bodies of the two soldiers were not collected by their families after their deaths, so the community worked to provide them with a proper burial.

Larry Chisley, owner of Dillon-Chisley Funeral Home in Vicksburg, donated the funeral home’s services to the charity.

“We have been in business since 1936 and throughout that time we have virtually always been in the community and a part of the community helping those who need it,” Chisley said.

Chisley also mentioned why they decided to support this particular cause.

“We did this … not so much for praise or recognition. We were asked to provide assistance,” Chisley said. “And I’m just glad we were able to be there to provide what was asked of us.”

Mamie Brown, a Hinds County Veterans Services official, said community members came together to give the fallen soldiers the burial they deserved.

“These veterans were honorably discharged. They served their country honorably, so they need to be buried in a place of honor,” Brown said. “And that’s why we do this.”

After unsuccessfully contacting several funeral homes in Jackson, Brown contacted Chisley to ask if they would help him arrange the funeral. They complied with his request.

Members of the Patriot Guard were also present and joined the motorcade, which included members of the Warren County Sheriff’s Office, who provided the escort from Vicksburg to Natchez.

Brown said if the funeral home had not intervened, the two veterans would have been buried in pauper’s graves.

“They do it as a gift of love, with the coffins and everything, all the work and everything,” Brown added.

By Jasper

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