Survey shows partisan divide on who consumers think can lower food prices

According to a recent poll, consumers from both major political parties believe their party can lower grocery prices. But supporters of former President Donald Trump are more confident that Republicans can lower prices even without bipartisan help.

Both presidential candidates have recently focused their campaigns on Food pricesand thus responds to ongoing consumer concerns about high food prices.

The Gardner Food and Agricultural Policy Survey Economists at the University of Illinois and Purdue University asked consumers this month which party could lower food prices.

74.2 percent of Republican respondents said their party could help lower food prices in grocery stores. 2.5 percent said Democrats could lower prices. 18.5 percent said this would require bipartisan support.

On the other hand, 61.8 percent of Democrats expressed confidence that their party could help lower prices, while 27.4 percent said this would require bipartisan support.

The survey also measured trust in the major parties based on the respondent’s preferred presidential candidate.

64.6 percent of Trump supporters believe Republicans can lower food prices, while 50.4 percent of Vice President Kamala Harris supporters believe Democrats can.

“These results underscore – in line with repeated campaign promises – that U.S. consumers believe politicians can help lower food costs,” the poll report said.

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By Jasper

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