Honey Boo Boo is having trouble renting a house in college and fans are begging Mama June to step in! But…

Longtime reality TV star Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Thompson is having trouble finding a rental house and fans want her mother Mama June Shannon to intervene… but is that REALLY the whole story?!

Last Tuesday, the 18-year-old posted a video on social media in which she revealed that she was having trouble finding a rental apartment in Denver, Colorado while attending college. Regis University in the Mile High City. Shit, right?! She noted in the video, which was originally uploaded on August 20, that she and her boyfriend Dralin Carswell (who lives with her in Denver but does not go to school there) were in need of housing and needed to find somewhere to stay as quickly as possible.

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In the video, Alana pleaded with her social media followers to help them find housing, claiming that it was the fact that Dralin’s student loans were outstanding and his loans were no longer in arrears that was bringing everything to a halt:

“The main problem is that Dralin has student loans and the balance is over $1,000. That’s why our application is not accepted.”

And Alana herself has “zero credit,” as she quickly added! In the week-old video, she noted:

“Alana has no credit. Alana has zero credit. Alana is trying to build her credit, but she literally has zero. Zero. And quite honestly, I’m starting to freak out that we don’t have a house to move into on September 1st, and it’s August 20th, okay? So, I need help, my people from Denver. I need help finding a house for us.”

And the Here comes Honey Boo Boo Star concluded:

“I’m not a big fan of apartments. … our dog really needs a yard. But at this point, anything counts. Please. I’m begging. Help.”

So stressful!! And now it’s back in the news, a week after Alana originally posted the video on TikTokbecause Mama June told her Instagram Account on Monday night! As you can see (below), Mama June noted in the caption that her daughter and Dralin were still looking for a place to stay in Denver ASAP:


Of course with the 45-year-old From not to hot After the star reposted the video, fans immediately popped up in the comments section demanding that Mama June help! After all, Mama June has has been accused of doing SUPER shady shit with Alana’s money in the past! And she didn’t exactly deny using the teen’s TV earnings for herself when asked to do so! So it made sense that fans started asking Mama June to step in financially for her daughter:

“Maybe you can get your mom or your friend’s mom to co-sign on an apartment.”

“How about you buy her a house, MamaJune, and then sell it when she graduates? If WE can rent a stunt house for Pumpkin, can’t you do the same for Boo Boo?”

“Mama June, buy a condo/house in Colorado and let Lana and her husband pay the mortgage.”

“Are y’all forgetting that she’s only been out of high school for a year? How about her mother do something to help her daughter (now that) she’s in college?

“I pray they find something quickly.”


That may not be the whole story! Aside from whether Mama June will step in (which is honestly doubtful since she’s got major issues of her own), other fans pointed out in the comments that Dralin’s student loan debt is almost certainly NOT the issue holding things up! Instead, it may be his criminal record!! They noted:

“It’s not the student loans that are holding him back, it’s his criminal record.”

“It’s unlikely that it’s because of the student loans…more likely it’s because of the criminal record.”

“My friend has to go home to Georgia. Stay on campus and enjoy these years.”

“A student loan won’t stop you from renting an apartment. There’s more to it than that – it doesn’t make sense!”

“A criminal record could also have something to do with it. I hope you find something.”

“Maybe it’s time to think about living in the dorm and having the boyfriend go home until you graduate.”


Knowing Dralin’s troubling legal past, there could be A LOT more to the story here. But regardless, do you think Mama June should step in and help Honey Boo Boo?! Share your thoughts in the comments (below)…

(Image via ET/YouTube/WEtv/TikTok)

By Jasper

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