Coffee Enterprises Announces New Food Safety Testing Services

Coffee Enterprises Lab. Image: Julia Luckett

The new allergen analysis capabilities provide important support for food safety programs and cover the most important contaminants for food safety, including gluten (wheat, rye and barley), almonds, Brazil nuts, coconuts, hazelnuts, peanuts and soy.

Coffee Enterprises protects investments in coffee and tea quality through analytical evaluations to confirm compliance with specifications and consumer expectations. Food Safety and Chemical Analysis (FS-CHEM) services provide critical information for green coffee, roasted coffee, tea, ready-to-drink beverages, and extracts and concentrates.

When Food Safety and Chemical Analysis (FS-CHEM) is combined with Coffee Enterprises’ quality control laboratory for Green Coffee Analysis (GCA), Roasted Coffee Analysis (RCA), Tea Product Analysis (TPA), Soluble Beverage Analysis (SBA) and Liquid Product Analysis (LPA), customers have knowledge and control over quality and consistency. The comprehensive quality assurance capabilities protect the integrity and quality of coffee and tea.

Other FS-CHEM tests that provide actionable data to manage products and processes include analysis of caffeine, ochratoxin, microbiological substances, mycotoxin, pesticides, acrylamide, metals, chlorogenic acids, organic acids and pathogens.

“We provide critical quality solutions for green coffee, roasted coffee and tea. By expanding our services to include allergen analysis, we can better support the global beverage industry,” said Spencer Turer, Vice President of Coffee Enterprises.

For more information about food safety and chemical analysis services and other coffee and tea quality control assessments, visit

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By Jasper

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