The restaurant industry is vital to the community of Wilmington, NC

There are over 1,000 restaurants in the Wilmington area, many of them locally owned, meaning hundreds of business owners and thousands of workers rely on this industry for their livelihoods.

It was never an easy business, as several owners note in reporter Allison Ballard’s cover story today. But when the COVID pandemic hit in 2020, it became even more difficult.

Many restaurants struggled and in some cases employees found other jobs to make ends meet. Those that survived found that in many cases the situation had changed.

More: The Wilmington restaurant industry needs the right workers to survive. What is being done?

Hiring workers seems more difficult than ever, which has led to some restaurants having to change their hours or close unexpectedly for a shift or even a day.

Yes, an unexpected closure or a longer than usual wait time can be inconvenient, but these businesses and employees provide an invaluable service.

Some owners have increased wages and offered more training programs to prepare people for careers in the hospitality industry.

As this is an important part of our community’s economy and contributes to a thriving tourism industry, I hope everyone will be patient with restaurant workers and continue to support local businesses.

More: Downtown Wilmington restaurant combines classic charm with fresh elements

Speaking of restaurants, Allison also has a nice article in today’s paper about Circa 1922, which has been a fixture in downtown Wilmington for 24 years.

While the focus of the menu has evolved over the years, owner Ash Aziz is now planning some subtle updates to the space as the restaurant celebrates its 25th anniversary in February 2025.

Let’s all raise a glass and toast this long-time favorite and hope it stays around for another 25 years.

Sherry Jones is the editor in chief of StarNews. Reach her at [email protected].

By Jasper

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