The ocean twilight zone stabilizes the marine food chain

The twilight zone, a mysterious, low-light layer beneath the ocean surface, plays a crucial role in shaping marine ecosystems.

As global warming increases, it is becoming increasingly important to understand the impacts of this zone on the smallest life forms in the ocean, such as phytoplankton.

These microscopic organisms are crucial for maintaining the balance of the marine food chain, meaning any change in their population could cause a ripple effect throughout the ecosystem.

The role of the twilight zone

Due to its location in the upper layers of the ocean, phytoplankton is directly affected by changes in solar radiation and temperature.

However, recent research shows that the influence of the twilight zone is equally crucial, particularly because of its role in nutrient cycling.

This zone mainly affects surface-dwelling phytoplankton because the higher temperatures affect bacteria that decompose organic matter and release inorganic nutrients important for phytoplankton photosynthesis.

Coupling of ocean layers

A recent study sheds light on the connection between two areas of the ocean: the well-lit surface water and the twilight zone beneath.

This interaction can significantly alter the response of surface ecosystems to climate change, primarily through a process known as thermocline renewal, in which warmer ocean water in the upper 300 to 500 meters of depth is renewed by circulation through the ocean surface.

Observations and models

To test the theory that warming increases nutrient cycling between these ocean layers, an international team of climate scientists from Japan, France and the United States used a combination of ocean observations and three-dimensional ecosystem models.

In the twilight zone, the experts identified large reserves of inorganic nutrients that are created by bacterial decomposition of organic matter.

The study’s projections, which extend to the year 2300, emphasize the crucial role of these nutrients in maintaining phytoplankton photosynthesis at the surface by renewing the thermocline.

The role of the twilight zone in nutrient recycling

Analysis of ocean observations revealed that under current climate conditions, bacterial and other processes at low latitudes in the twilight zone contribute to at least half of the nutrient cycling between the mesopelagic domain and the surface layers, a process driven by buoyancy.

These findings underline the importance of underground nutrient supplies for the maintenance of surface ecosystems.

“Our study sheds light on a mechanism that we believe can help improve our understanding of an aspect that has been overlooked in predictions of the health of marine ecosystems,” said Olivier Aumont of Sorbonne Universités in France.

“Understanding the coupling between the mesopelagic twilight zone and surface waters is one area where improved mechanistic understanding can help further improve our climate change projections, which still indicate some disagreement.”

Stimulating further research

“We hope our work will stimulate new research to better understand the pathways of thermocline renewal in the oceans,” said Keith Rodgers, a researcher at Tohoku University.

These findings could provide the impetus for further research into how these ocean currents affect marine nutrient dynamics and ecosystem health.

Impact on marine conservation

This study not only contributes to our understanding of climate modelling, but also has significant implications for the conservation of marine resources, such as fisheries.

Given the ongoing trend of gradual ocean deoxygenation and warming, the development of accurate models to predict the future of marine ecosystems and fish habitats is becoming increasingly important.

As ocean environmental conditions continue to change, insights gained from this research are critical to predicting and mitigating impacts on marine biodiversity and resource sustainability.

Twilight zone and carbon cycle

The insights gained from this study also have significant implications for the global carbon cycle and climate regulation.

Phytoplankton are known to be important players in the ocean’s biological carbon pump, a process in which these microorganisms absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through photosynthesis and then transport it to deeper ocean layers when they die and sink.

The twilight zone acts as a crucial mediator in this process. By decomposing organic matter that sinks from the surface and releasing nutrients back into the upper ocean, bacteria in the twilight zone influence how efficiently carbon is sequestered in the ocean depths.

This microbial recycling process can affect the overall balance of carbon dioxide between the ocean and the atmosphere and thus impact global climate patterns.

The study was published in the journal Nature.


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By Jasper

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