A place to educate the next generation

It is a privilege to serve the Lord through what we do at Answers in Genesis. Over the past few weeks, Joe Owen and I have visited several churches. We have been fortunate to serve in the Western United States (Oregon) and Southeastern Canada (Toronto). But I consider the highlight of this tour to be the interaction with a group from Florida who visited us at the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter.

How encouraging it was to see the strong conviction of these pastors and church leaders as they once again traveled over 15 hours to provide biblical worldview training to their youth—again! Yes, 2017 was the first time they did this, just one year after the Ark Encounter opened to the public on July 7, 2016.

Group at the Ark Encounter

Today, in 2024, these brothers continue to invest with great wisdom in passing on biblical beliefs to the next generation. These biblical truths, they passionately say, not only enable them to know our living God, but also protect them from current ideologies. I had time to speak with pastors and leaders about their work and how they believe no effort and prayer should be spared in preparing young people for apologetics. They want young people to be able to give a biblical response about their hope in Christ to all who ask, with humility and meekness (1 Peter 3:15).

These biblical truths, they passionately say, not only enable them to know our living God, but also protect them from current ideologies.

We are so grateful for the honor and privilege of being the local Church– we do not take these opportunities lightly.

Although we are generally more visible as interpreters, many in our ministry are committed to the same cause. They all serve Christ and express this faithfully by Church and reaching the lost. Our International Outreach Ministry Coordinator is an example of this. Maria del Pilar Pierce took great care of so many details – she gave 1,000% (one thousand percent) as we say in my country (Chile).


They were two intense days. Of course, educating the next generation requires loving them and serving them systematically by teaching them the truths of the Word of God. Wednesday was a full day at the museum; it was like walking through the pages of the Bible. There was a lot of content and a lot of clear and didactic learning, but it was also entertaining. They participated in our 4D cinema and the planetarium. They were also impressed by the exhibition on the sanctity of life (Fearfully and wonderfully made), The 7 C’s of History, Border areaand many other world-class exhibits.

Group at the Creation Museum

Group in the 4D Special Effects Theater

But that wasn’t all! On Thursday we went to the Ark Encounter.

On this occasion (and because I was in Kentucky) I was able to accompany them and explain each section of the Ark step by step. Three groups of 40 people each (at three different times) were confronted with the biblical truth of the Flood and the Gospel.

It wasn’t just about teaching – we also had time to share and laugh. We had lunch together at Emzara’s Buffet, a huge (award-winning) two-story themed restaurant that offers a variety of delicious main dishes, salads and desserts. It was a blast!

Emzara's Buffet

Emzara's Buffet

While some visited other areas of the park, such as the zoo and our virtual reality experience, I explained to the group that walked with me that the Ark of the Covenant is a visible reminder of the judgment and mercy of our Lord and the truth of His Word. I encouraged them to stand on the authority of Gods Word and not forgetting the Lord. Certainly this huge ark is much more than a world-class tourist attraction – it is a monument to the truth of Godand a reminder that just as there was a global judgment on wickedness in the past, another judgment is coming: the Last Judgement. It was also a reminder that Godin His grace and mercy, He has provided a way to salvation. Just as everyone on board the ark had to go through the one door to be saved, so we too must go through the one door, Jesus Christ, to be saved (John 10:9).

Exhibition at Ark Encounter

Group at the Ark Encounter

Just as everyone on board the ark had to go through the one door to be saved, we too must go through the one door, Jesus Christ, to be saved (John 10:9).

I think it is good to ask ourselves where else young people can learn (with such impact) how observational science confirms the teachings of the Bible. Where else are they encouraged to think about the Gospel in the context of a historical and scientifically verifiable book? Where will they better understand that the Bible is not a legend, but the true story of everything – their own story? Where can they connect the relationship between science and biblical truth in such a didactic and substantive way?

At Answers in Genesis we want to provide a tool for local Churches to educate the next generation. There are many written and audiovisual resources available. But without a doubt, a personal visit to the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter leaves a lasting impression on the hearts of believers and even non-believers. We always want to serve, honor and respect local communities. Churchthe visible manifestation of Church– the bride of Christ – of which we are a part.

Visit us and let us serve you and help you build a foundation for the authority of God‘s eternal word. Remember, this is a place to educate the next generation.

If you are planning a retreat or Church If you wish to leave the camp at any time or would like a guided tour and conversation in Spanish during your stay, please contact us in advance and we will do our best to assist you during your visit.

By Jasper

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