1 natural gas stock ready to recover

The following video is part of this week’s Market deception Podcast where host Chris Hill, lead analyst Charly Travers and consultant Joe Magyer discuss the latest economic news. In this segment, the guys analyze a natural gas company whose shares have fallen sharply recently and discuss why it is poised for a strong comeback. They also take a look at the minerals industry and name some stocks that investors should consider.

Looking for another way to take advantage of the ever-changing landscape in the energy industry? Check out The Motley Fool’s free special report: “A Stock You Should Own Before the Nat Gas Act Takes Effect.” Inside you will find information about the pioneering company that will take off in the wake of this law. You can access this report immediately by simply clicking here – it’s free.

At the time of publication of this article Chris Hilldoes not own shares of the companies mentioned. The Motley Fool owns shares of Compass Minerals International.Motley Fool Newsletter Serviceshave recommended buying shares of Chesapeake Energy. Try one of our Foolish newsletter services30 days freeWe fools do not all agree, but we all believe thatConsideration of a variety of findingsmakes us better investors. The Motley Fool has aDisclosure Policy.

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By Jasper

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