Gas discovery in the Norwegian Sea

Gas discovery in the Norwegian Sea

The Transocean Norge drilling rig drilled the well. (Photo: Transoecean)

OMV and its partners have discovered gas in the exploration well 6605/6-1 S in the Norwegian Sea.

The drilling rig Transocean Norge carried out the drilling. It is the first drilling under production license 1194. The discovery is located approximately 65 kilometers southwest of the Aasta Hansteen field and 310 kilometers west of Sandnessjøen.

Preliminary estimates suggest a discovery size in the primary exploration target of four to twelve million standard cubic metres (Sm3) of recoverable oil equivalent (oe).

Finds were also made in two other levels, although their volume is unclear.

The license was awarded as part of the Awards in Predefined Areas (APA) in 2022. Licensees OMV (40 percent), Vår Energi (30) and INPEX Idemitsu (30) will examine possible future development.

Geological information

The primary exploration objective of the well was to detect petroleum in Upper Cretaceous reservoir rocks in the Springar Formation and secondarily in the Nise Formation, also in the Upper Cretaceous.

In the primary exploration target, the well encountered a gas column of approximately 20 metres, of which 13 metres were in sandstone rocks with moderate to good reservoir quality. There was no gas-water contact. Preliminary estimates place the size of the discovery in the Springar Formation at between 4 and 12 million Sm3 of recoverable oil.

In addition, gas-filled sandstone layers totaling approximately 11 meters were discovered in the lower part of the Springar Formation. There is some uncertainty about the size of this discovery, but a preliminary estimate is between 0.5 and 5 million Sm3 of recoverable oil.

In the secondary exploration target in the Nise Formation, a gas column of approximately 5 metres was discovered in sandstone rocks of moderate reservoir quality. The size of the discovery is uncertain, but preliminary estimates are between 0.5 and 6 million Sm3 of recoverable oil.

The formation of the well was not tested, but extensive data was collected and samples were taken.

Borehole 6605/6-1 S was drilled to a vertical depth of 4,641 and 5,123 metres below sea level, respectively, and ended in the Upper Cretaceous Nise Formation.

The water depth at this location is 1064 meters. The well was permanently closed and abandoned.

Map showing the location of borehole 6605/6-1 S

Updated: 23/08/2024

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By Jasper

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