Water park visitors outraged by tipping demand at self-service kiosk

You have (not) reached a turning point.

Apparently, the guilty-tip trend isn’t limited to the U.S.: A man in Hungary was left speechless when asked for a 20 percent tip at a water park’s self-service kiosk, which he detailed in a viral Reddit post.

The man is said to have stopped at a stall to buy a refreshment when he was offered the extra money.

The screen.
“All I see is this 0%,” snapped one commentator. reddit/r/mildlyinfuriating

“A water park in Hungary requires a 0-20% tip for a self-service kiosk that sells popsicles and drinks,” complained the visitor.

The accompanying images show the cash register screen, where you can choose between zero, five, ten, 15 or 20 percent tip.

Reddit viewers were appalled by the outrageous tip request, with one shouting, “The cancer is spreading.”

“All I see is this 0%,” snapped another.

Many blamed US travelers for spreading the tipping culture around the world.

“It’s mostly American tourists who don’t follow local customs and tip like they do in America,” lamented one Redditor. “I see this when traveling to South American countries where the usual tip was 10%, but now it’s rising to 15% or even 20% because of Americans.”

A defender of the United States replied: “Oh yes, the problem must be Americans and not global inflation and POS companies underpaying their workers.”

Be that as it may, the tipping trend in the US seems to be sweeping the globe like a tipping Genghis Khan.

First, cafes and brasseries in Paris were caught charging 20 percent more in taxes ahead of the Summer Olympics – and now pubs across the UK are demanding an extra chunk of money.

“It’s not normal for us to tip when I have to go to the bar and wait in a line and they only give me one drink,” says Juliette Layne, a 59-year-old project manager in London.

By Jasper

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