Motorway junction and ball park are being renovated long overdue

BASIC DESIGN The plan for the facade of the Arcata Ball Park. Image via the City of ArcataBASIC DESIGN The plan for the facade of the Arcata Ball Park. Image via the City of Arcata

BASIC DESIGN The plan for the facade of the Arcata Ball Park. Image via the City of Arcata

ARCATA – Two Arcata facilities that have seen better days – the universally despised intersection of U.S. Highway 101, Sunset Avenue and LK Wood Boulevard and the shabby, dilapidated entrance to Arcata Ball Park – are in dire need of renovation.

At their Aug. 7 meeting, the City Council first honored former City Council member Michael Winkler with a certificate of recognition “for his tireless dedication and invaluable contribution to the beautification of our city through consistent and meticulous graffiti removal over the past nine years.” Winkler has worked as a one-man graffiti removal crew since 2015 and is often seen around town scraping down vandalized surfaces, including magazine racks.

The council heard a report from Netra Khatri, city engineer, on the US 101 and Sunset Avenue interchange improvement project, which will combine three existing, often confusing stop sign intersections into two new roundabouts to improve access for vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians.

Current plans for the intersection of US Highway 101/Sunset Avenue/LK Wood Boulevard. Images from the City of ArcataCurrent plans for the intersection of US Highway 101/Sunset Avenue/LK Wood Boulevard. Images from the City of Arcata

Current plans for the intersection of US Highway 101/Sunset Avenue/LK Wood Boulevard. Images from the City of Arcata

The project is currently in the planning, specification and estimating phases and the city is seeking funding for its implementation. Caltrans is providing technical support, while Cal Poly Humboldt (CPH) and the state contributed a portion of the planning costs.

Construction costs are estimated at up to $25 million and will be funded through grants. CPH has committed $2.5 million to the project.

A public meeting is planned for early next year, with presentations to the Traffic Safety Committee and City Council next June. Construction will begin in 2026 and 2027.

The Council appropriated $270,000 from the General Fund and $200,000 from the Open Space, Parks and Trails Special Tax Fund (Measure A) to utilize state support made possible by Senator Mike McGuire for a $1,585,146.5 construction contract for the Arcata Ball Park Improvement Project to Hooven & Co. Inc.

The aging park has undergone several renovations, including recent replacement of the bleachers and scoreboard. The new contract includes the design and construction of facade, entrance and accessibility improvements.

Work is scheduled to begin in early September and construction is expected to last until April 30, 2025, prior to the 2025 Humboldt crab season.

Without a whiff of comment after the controversial, multi-year ordeal that formed the council, it passed Ordinance No. 1569, amending the city’s zoning code to incorporate the Gateway Code and bringing the city’s zoning into line with the 2045 General Plan land use designations.

By Jasper

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