Rose Marie welcomes everyone to Greeley Place – Greeley Tribune

Just when we think we have our life mapped out, someone comes along and presents us with words of wisdom that change the map. It changes our course.

In 1959, Rose Marie graduated from Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona. She wanted to start teaching as soon as possible until her friend’s mother, the dean of students, suggested Marie take a different path.

“She said, ‘You’ve led a very sheltered life.’ She said, ‘Don’t go teach now,'” Marie says.

“Do something that will help you find out what life is really like,” the friend’s mother told Marie.

The advice was to fly away and see the country and the world. And that’s what she did.

Instead of going to the classroom, Marie worked as a flight attendant on Western Airlines and Trans World Airlines from 1960 to 1962. In 1963, she arrived in San Francisco, where she discovered a Presbyterian church whose choir fascinated her. She later became an organist.

Marie met her husband and the two began teaching in South San Francisco.

In 1979, Marie took to the skies again, this time with her husband. They headed to Germany, where she taught for a decade.

Years later, Marie recounts her experiences while reclining in her comfortable armchair in her apartment at 1051 6th St. Greeley Place. After a day of fun and dish towels, Marie often relaxes in her armchair.

Since moving into the assisted living facility six years ago, Marie has given tea towels to staff and new residents. Marie also hands out birthday cards, plays the piano for her neighbors, and makes sure the new residents find their new home welcoming.

“Some of these people have no one. No one,” Marie said. “No family. No friends. They just come here… I just want them to feel at home. That’s why I do this.”

In addition to the cards, towels and musical numbers, Marie has been handing out small LED lights in case of a power outage. With Wednesday being National Senior Citizens Day, Marie is one of many community members at Greeley Place who make sure everyone feels welcome and valued.

Sarah Jenkner, Greeley Place’s assistant manager, said Marie greeted her on her first day on the job last year with a towel and a torrent of praise. She compared Marie to someone at a high school who goes out of her way to make the freshmen or students feel welcome.

“That welcoming presence meant a lot to me,” Jenkner said.

Marie estimates she has distributed more than 100 towels. She is also a resident ambassador in charge of giving tours of the grounds. Marie feels blessed, she said, and so she is passing that blessing on to others.

Just like her friend’s mother 65 years ago, Marie gave some wise advice to people, young and old.

“Everyone should try to go abroad at some point. I don’t care where they go,” she said.

Originally published:

By Jasper

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