Photo Contest: Volunteer Positions in the Protected Area at Ohio State Parks

This photo of a Red Morph Screech Owl by Tony Everhardt won third place in the Ohio State Parks Photo Contest.


In 2019, Tony Everhardt’s children gave him a digital camera for Father’s Day, which opened up a new world of creativity. He had retired after 32 years in the automotive industry and had long had a passion for the outdoors. Now he had more time to spend in the woods and, thanks to his children, a new toy to take with him. They probably didn’t know how their gift would change his life.

Today, Everhardt is a volunteer photographer for the Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge, where he spends countless hours each week driving around and gathering little glimpses of the refuge’s hidden stories. He photographs bald eagles in flight, otters at play and elusive wood ducks hiding in the bushes.

In July, Everhardt learned that he had won third place in the Ohio State Parks photo contest with his rare photograph of a red morph screech owl with its eyes open.

Tony Everhardt spends countless hours each year at the Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge photographing wildlife. (Photo by Sheri Trusty)

“I didn’t expect that. I was really surprised,” he said.

Everhardt almost didn’t get to take the photo. He was searching for short-eared owls in the sanctuary one winter day when a friend texted him to say he’d spotted a red morpho screech-owl in Maumee State Park.

“I’ve been thinking about going. It’s a long drive and it might start before I get there,” he said.

He decided to make the trip to Maumee State Park, where he and his friend spent about 45 minutes observing the owl. Using a Canon 7D and a 150-600mm lens, Everhardt managed to snap a quick photo as the owl opened its eyes.

“Screech owls usually keep their eyes closed, but this one opened its eyes for a moment, looked at the sun and I was able to get the shot,” he said.

Tony Everhardt donated this photograph he took of the Marblehead Lighthouse to the Lighthouse Conservation Authority.

He also achieved third place.

“I was pretty excited,” he said.

Everhardt is no stranger to winning. His previous awards include two first-place finishes in the Division of Wildlife’s photography contest. Those shots were exhibited at the Ohio State Fair.

Local birders are familiar with Everhardt’s photographs on the Friends of Ottawa NWR Photo Club’s Facebook page, and his image of an eagle in flight covers a huge front window of the sanctuary’s visitor centre to prevent bird strikes. His work is used for the sanctuary’s website, Facebook page and publications.

Tony Everhardt won third place in the Ohio State Parks Photo Contest. (Photo by Sheri Trusty)

Although Everhardt’s favorite subject is birds, he also photographs landscapes, mammals, insects and anything else he can find outside. Recently, he has turned to the world of portrait photography. A long-exposure photo he took of the Marblehead Lighthouse was so popular that he donated it to the Marblehead Lighthouse Historical Society, which sells copies to raise funds.

“I love taking photos of nature. It gets me out of my comfort zone. Nature calms the mind,” he said. “I take thousands and thousands of photos. In a weekend I can get 1,500. It’s a great hobby.”

By Jasper

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