Braun: A thoughtful path for Aspen-Pitkin County Airport

Braun: A thoughtful path for Aspen-Pitkin County Airport

As president of the Aspen Chamber Resort Association and a long-time community member, I have witnessed the passion our residents have for shaping the future of Aspen. The debate over the redevelopment of the Aspen-Pitkin County Airport has generated strong emotions, and I want to address those concerns.

The airport is an important part of our community, serving not just visitors, but all of us. The Common Ground Recommendations, developed by over 120 citizens, reflect a shared commitment to safety, sustainability and smart growth. This plan is not about expanding the commercial airport to accommodate larger aircraft, but rather modernizing it to align with our long-term community goals: reducing noise and emissions, improving safety and creating a more efficient, environmentally friendly facility.

Our commissioners’ ballot proposal is not a “power struggle.” It is an attempt to ensure that any changes are consistent with our community’s established values ​​while meeting state and federal obligations. This measure ensures voter approval and responds to concerns without undermining the voice of the people.

Let us support a vision that aligns with the values ​​of our community and ensures a safe, sustainable and vibrant future for Aspen.

Debbie Brown


By Jasper

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