On Ukrainian Independence Day, the support march “Sunflower Street” takes place

In commemoration of the Ukrainian Independence Day, the association “Tavi draugi” in cooperation with the Ukrainian Embassy and the Riga City Administration invites you to the “Street of Sunflowers” ​​march on Saturday, August 24, from 11:30 a.m., informs Agnese Ruberte, the representative of the association.

Participants are cordially invited to show their support for Ukraine with sunflowers and Ukrainian symbols.

The march will start at 11 a.m. at the Freedom Monument. At 11.30 a.m. the march will be opened by Ulvis Noviks, the chairman of the “Tavi draugi” association, and representatives of the Ukrainian Embassy and the National Army Band under the direction of First Lieutenant Guntis Kumačevs.

Tatjana Čirkova, a war refugee and volunteer for the association, will also speak to the audience.

Participants will go to Vērmanes Garden, where an event and concert on the theme “Together for Ukraine” will take place starting at 12 noon on the occasion of Ukraine’s Independence Day.

During the concert, the design shop “Tavi draugi” and a donation collection point will also be open. Participants can support Ukraine by donating school supplies as well as items for the Ukrainian Armed Forces – tea, sweets, nuts and dried fruits, canned meat and fish, hygiene products and men’s clothing.

With the support of partner organizations, the donations are brought to Ukraine and to the soldiers on the front lines.

For the third year in a row, Tavi Draugi is organizing the Sunflower Road campaign and invites all Latvians and Ukrainians living in Latvia to take part in it. Sunflower Road is dedicated to Ukraine’s tireless struggle for freedom and to every Ukrainian civilian in Latvia.

Read also: VIDEO | Ukraine destroys another bridge in Russia’s Kursk region

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By Jasper

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