Cleveland Police conduct use of force training at event

Cleveland residents can watch officers practice use-of-force scenarios and ask questions at a police training event this Saturday.

The Community Police Commission and the Cleveland Division of Police are asking the public to come to Garrett Morgan High School, where they can observe realistic training scenarios. It is hoped that residents will “gain insight into the motivations behind officers’ actions,” said Charles Donaldson, chairman of the Community Police Commission’s police training committee.

Donaldson said it is important to give community members the opportunity to ask police questions about their training and give them direct feedback.

The commission held a similar event in December where police demonstrated their response to three types of incidents: when and how officers should use their Tasers, when they should use their weapons instead of less lethal force and how they should respond to a report of a suspicious person.

An instructor from the police academy explained the events before and during the scenario, provided reasons and context afterwards and then answered questions from the audience.

Participants were given a trigger warning and were informed that they could skip watching a scenario or leave at any time if they found the situation too distressing.

Donaldson said the commission made an effort to get a broader audience to attend the event. He sent an invitation to the LGBT Center of Greater Cleveland and the local NAACP branch. Commission members also distributed flyers at libraries and community centers and emailed about 800 people informing them of the event.

He expressed hope that the police will make changes based on the feedback they receive at the event.

The Commission also plans to set up a working group on bias-free policing to provide citizens with suggestions on how to address and eliminate potential bias in police training.

“I hope that the feedback received will be taken into account and put into action,” Donaldson said.

When you go

What: Scenario-based police training event

When: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, August 24

Where: CMSD Garrett Morgan School for Leadership and Innovation, 600 Detroit Ave.

By Jasper

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