Representative of the Kentucky American Heart Association calls for attention to the regulation of tobacco sales

Representatives of the American Heart Association in Kentucky are interested in a modified approach to enforcing retail sales of smoking products. Andrea Ooten is executive director of the AHA’s Central and Eastern Kentucky chapter. Ooten said the discussion revolves around establishing an enforcement agency similar to that used for another product.

“Similar to how we have the ABC, the Alcoholic Beverage Control, which oversees various agencies that sell alcohol to make sure they’re not selling to minors and the like. We want that to apply to e-cigarettes and tobacco as well,” Ooten said.

Ooten said that this type of enforcement, by and large, is not happening across the state.

The American Heart Association takes a multifaceted approach to promoting heart health. Longstanding efforts to reduce heart disease in Kentucky take a variety of forms, often involving the types of foods found on tables across the state. For those experiencing food insecurity, the challenge can be even greater. Ooten said her work includes conversations about food security.

“And we need to find different ways we can support food banks and food pantries to offer donors healthier options for individuals when they come by,” Ooten said.

Ooten said cardiovascular disease can take many forms, including high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes, which lead to heart problems.

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By Jasper

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