Children on e-bikes? – Park Record

Now that e-bikes seem to be more widely available than “real” bicycles powered solely by human pedal power, it is time to respond to the e-bike revolution, as recent letters to the editor have suggested.

The ones I see whizzing around are getting faster and more powerful, and often seem to require no pedal assistance at all, even when climbing our steep hills. For adults with a driving licence, this is fine, although we should move towards making all e-bikes, which are relatively low-powered motorcycles, mandatory registration, licensing and insurance for all riders.

But as I parked my mountain bike in a stand on a sidewalk in Kimball Junction and sped by just inches from two kids (they looked to be about 12 years old) on electric bikes, I had to ask myself: What kind of parent would give their kids such a device?

The danger and risk of injury to themselves, pedestrians and other users of roads, paths and public places is bad enough, but these parents are also depriving their children of the exercise and health benefits of a real bike.

For me, the essence of a real bicycle is that it is powered solely by human power and not by an engine.

And apart from the lack of exercise, these parents are also depriving their children of the greatest inspirational lesson that cycling can teach: that in this world you have to work hard if you want to make it to the top of the mountain!

Andy Pearlstein
Park City

By Jasper

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