Fallout 4 player notices hidden detail of Diamond City Store after nine years


  • Fallout 4’s Diamond City store Swatters features a hidden detail in the form of a baseball cap brim that goes unnoticed by many players.
  • Fallout 4’s attention to detail, such as the cap-shaped store, continues to amaze veteran players nine years after its release.
  • Lesser-known details, like the baseball-themed store, give players cool and original moments in Fallout 4 and add to the game’s appeal.

A Fallout4 Players online have noticed a cool detail about the Diamond City store, Swatters, nine years after the game was first released by Bethesda. Diamond City is arguably Fallout4Theodore Roosevelt’s most famous place, but it still has some hidden secrets.

Bethesda’s attention to detail in Fallout4 still surprises nearly a decade after its release. There are still experienced players discovering new things, and that’s partly why many stick with it. It’s a cool feeling to find something extremely niche that feels extremely well hidden, and Fallout4 naturally creates a lot of these moments for the players. There was even a Fallout4 Player who found a bizarre preserved cake detail, so there are clearly still plenty of details to discover in the game.


Fallout 4 skipped a unique enemy type found in Fallout 3, 76

Fallout 3 and Fallout 76 share an interesting enemy type that doesn’t appear in Fallout 4’s Boston, but there’s a good reason for its absence.

Redditor OneCauliflower5243 noticed that Moe Cronin’s shop Swatters is shaped like a baseball cap. It is located in the heart of Fallout4In Diamond City, Moe Cronin is a baseball enthusiast who doesn’t quite understand the rules of the pre-war game. He sends players on the “Out in Left Field” mission, which again has to do with baseball. His shop is shaped like a baseball cap and is a great example of world-building. He is subtle enough to go completely unnoticed by most players, and therefore comes as a great surprise to those who are observant enough to spot him.

Fallout 4 Diamond City Clap Detail

Similarly, another user in the thread pointed out that the game’s cigarette machines actually resemble a flip lighter. The entire thread devolved into a celebration of these little details, with one player admitting, “It took me longer than I’d like to admit to realize that Diamond City is a baseball stadium.” This is less of a minor detail Fallout4 Detail, but it’s still fun to think about.

All eyes are now on Bethesda, what they are doing with the Stand out IP. It is no secret that the studio is currently busy with The Elder Scrolls 6and active work on two flagship titles at the same time seems unlikely at the moment. The next Elder Scrolls However, the title’s release date could still be years away and it will be interesting to see if Bethesda entrusts the series to another studio in the meantime. Fallout: New Vegas is the gold standard for the positive results this approach can achieve. Recently Fallout: New Vegas Director Josh Sawyer spoke about the possibility of a return of the series, but until Bethesda confirms something concrete, it’s all pure speculation.

By Jasper

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