Influx of internally displaced people causes rental prices to rise in southern Shan State

The influx of internally displaced persons (IDPs) into cities in southern Shan State has led to an increase in rental prices and poses a major challenge for the displaced Karenni.

The fighting during Operation 1027 has displaced many people from northern Shan State. Many of these internally displaced people have sought refuge in the state capital Taunggyi and other townships in southern Shan State.

The resistance’s Operation 1027 in northern Shan State began on October 27, 2023, and lasted until January 11, 2024, when a ceasefire was signed. After the ceasefire failed, the conflict flared up again on June 25, 2024.

Fighting during the resistance’s Operation 1111 in Karenni State, which began on November 11, 2023, has also caused many people to flee the state and seek refuge in areas in southern Shan State, including Nyaungshwe town, Inle Lake, Ayetharyar town and monasteries in Taunggyi town.

An IDP from Loikaw City in Karenni State who lives in Taunggyi City said that the large number of new arrivals has led to a housing shortage and a rise in rental prices, which is problematic for IDPs, especially because tenants have to pay a year or six months in advance.

In cities where rents used to be 200,000 kyat, many landlords have increased them by 50 percent to 300,000 kyat. This is causing problems for the Karenni internally displaced people.

Another IDP who fled Loikaw said: “There are no houses left (in Loikaw) for us to return to. The monastery where we lived before also turned us away. Although we paid a six-month house rent, the overall cost of living has increased, which has made us depressed.”

Internally displaced people seeking refuge in monasteries in southern Shan State are receiving some assistance, but those renting houses are receiving no assistance at all, according to the IDPs.

Rising rental prices in southern Shan State have also reportedly prompted many internally displaced people who fled Loikaw Township to return to their homes, even though fighting in Loikaw Township is still ongoing.

By Jasper

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