Where I live: Hollywood Park

The Where I Live series aims to showcase our diverse city and region by putting its many vibrant neighborhoods in the spotlight. Each week, a local resident invites us in and tells us what makes their neighborhood so special. Have we been to your neighborhood yet? Get in touch to tell us your story.

Of all the things I love about Hollywood Park, I appreciate my neighbors the most. They are gray-brown and have tails and hooves. Some have antlers, some are spotted. They roam in herds, sometimes stopping to nibble on my potted flowers, sometimes lounging in my front yard, sometimes moving to another yard. Although some find them a nuisance, I find they add beauty to my neighborhood.

When I cross the street, often in family groups, they make me slow down and reflect on the inseparable bond between two-legged and four-legged creatures, a model for humans to rethink their relationship with the rest of the animal kingdom. I know I’m not alone in this way of thinking.

In 2010, as part of a population control effort, the Hollywood Park City Council floated the idea of ​​capturing the deer, transporting them, and releasing them in Mexico. To the council’s surprise, the proposal was met with such widespread opposition that the plans were quickly scrapped. It goes without saying that Hollywood Park values ​​and protects all of its residents.

By Jasper

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