Digital Twin is now generally available for AWS Ground Station – SatNews

Digital Twin is now generally available for AWS Ground Station – SatNews

AWS Ground Station is a fully managed service that enables satellite communications control, data processing, and scaling operations without the need to build or manage ground station infrastructure. This new capability makes it faster and easier to integrate satellite communications and planning operations with AWS Ground Station.

The digital twin feature enables you to verify compatibility between your mission planning software and AWS Ground Station planning service in a virtual environment. Now you can start integration and testing without waiting for spectrum licenses to be approved, so your satellite can be launched on time.

A digital twin of the AWS Ground Station sends the same Amazon EventBridge Events and API responses that customers receive when using AWS Ground Station, so you can optimize configurations and reliably scale your infrastructure.

The AWS Ground Station digital twin feature provides virtualized antennas in any location where AWS Ground Station is available, including: US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon, Hawaii, Alaska), Europe (Ireland, Stockholm), Middle East (Bahrain), Africa (Cape Town), Asia Pacific (Dubbo, Seoul, Singapore), and South America (Punta Arenas). This new feature is available in all AWS Regions where AWS Ground Station is available.

To make your mission a success even faster, Select this direct link for the AWS Ground Station digital twin in the AWS Ground Station User Guide.

By Jasper

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