Washington intensifies war preparations in the Middle East by selling  billion worth of weapons to Israel

A day after the US announced the deployment of a second aircraft carrier group in the region, it decided to supply $20 billion worth of weapons to Israel, another step toward war in the Middle East. The Biden administration is supported by the entire ruling class and is determined to wage a catastrophic conflict against Iran, viewing Iran as a front in a global outbreak of imperialist violence against its rivals that can only be stopped by the independent political mobilization of the international working class.

With destroyed buildings in the Gaza Strip behind him, an Israeli soldier waves from a tank near the Israel-Gaza border in southern Israel, Thursday, August 1, 2024. (AP Photo/Tsafrir Abayov)

This is the inescapable conclusion to be drawn from a review of the content of the arms sale. After enabling Israel’s genocide in Gaza for over ten months, the Biden administration plans to deliver over 50 F-15 fighter jets, advanced medium-range air-to-air missiles, 120mm tank ammunition, high-explosive mortars and tactical vehicles. Delivery of the entire jet fleet is expected to take five years.

From a purely military perspective, there is no conceivable use for such a large arsenal in Gaza. The Strip has already been bombed to pieces, and Hamas fighters have only rudimentary short-range rockets that are unlikely to threaten any target in Israel. Israel’s urgent need for such weapons only makes sense in the context of advanced preparations against more sophisticated adversaries, such as the Hezbollah militia in Lebanon and Iran itself, which are capable of shooting down Israeli aircraft and attacking the country directly with long-range missiles.

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Socialist Equality Party (SEP) presidential candidate Joseph Kishore condemned the arms sale in a statement:

The Pentagon’s announcement has a sinister undertone. Israel already has unchallenged air superiority in the region. The sole purpose of this arms sale is to offset expected losses in a war with Iran and its allies that could break out at any time. The Biden-Harris administration wants to ensure that Israel can continue to pulverize the people of the Middle East without interruption.

By Jasper

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