RVD requests rental information for upcoming revaluation of properties from April 2025

Rating and Valuation Department issues request forms

The Rating and Valuation Department (RVD) today (August 15) sent out about 350,000 request forms asking taxpayers and/or rent payers to provide details of rents and other terms of lease agreements for various types of properties.

A spokesperson for the RVD said the rental data collected would be used to prepare a new round of general revaluation.

“The general revaluation will better reflect prevailing market rents for properties. The new unit values ​​will take effect on April 1, 2025,” the spokesman said.

Payers of fees and/or government rent must complete and return the forms within 21 calendar days. You can complete and submit the e-form using the electronic form submission service on the RVD website ( The RVD website also provides answers to frequently asked questions on completing the form.

Taxpayers and/or government rent payers are reminded to ensure that when returning forms by mail, they must be adequately stamped to ensure timely and successful mail delivery.

Anyone who has difficulty completing and returning the forms within the specified time limit must apply for an extension in writing to the RVD before the specified time limit expires, stating their reasons. Under the Rating Ordinance and the Government Rent (Assessment and Collection) Ordinance, any person who knowingly provides false information or refuses to provide information specified in the form commits an offence and, upon conviction, is liable to a fine of not more than $25,000 or $10,000 respectively, and an additional fine of three times the undercharged fees and/or government rent.

Source: AI-generated images

Source: AI-generated images

The LegCo Committee on Education continues its mandatory visit to Shanghai and Suzhou

On behalf of the Secretariat of the Legislative Council, the following is issued:

The delegation of the Legislative Council for Education continued its mandatory visit to Shanghai and Suzhou today (14 August).

The delegation visited the Zhangjiang AI (Artificial Intelligence) Robot Valley in the morning to learn about the application and operation of high-end medical robots, industrial robots and intelligent service robots. The members noted that the Zhangjiang AI Robot Valley has attracted more than 80 robotics enterprises and promotes the high-quality development of the robotics industry in Shanghai.

The delegation then visited the Institute of Science and Technology for Brain-Inspired Intelligence at Fudan University and had in-depth discussions with the research team on the application of artificial intelligence in healthcare, various research, academic and industry projects and outcome transformation. The members also had lunch with representatives of Hong Kong communities and students in Shanghai to learn more about their studies, work and life there.

In the afternoon, the delegation arrived in Suzhou and visited the Suzhou Campus of Nanjing University. Members pointed out that the Suzhou Campus is the newest campus of Nanjing University, focusing on emerging industries in the Internet and high technology fields and is committed to promoting the development of cooperation between research, academia and industry.

The delegation then exchanged views on issues related to research-oriented, academic and industrial training and the digital transformation of education with the leaders of Nanjing University and had dinner together. The delegation looks forward to strengthening cooperation with Nanjing University in talent cultivation in the future.

The delegation will continue its official visit to Suzhou tomorrow (15 August).

The LegCo Committee on Education continues its mandatory visit to Shanghai and Suzhou. Source: Press releases from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government

The LegCo Committee on Education continues its mandatory visit to Shanghai and Suzhou. Source: Press releases from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government

The LegCo Committee on Education continues its mandatory visit to Shanghai and Suzhou. Source: Press releases from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government

The LegCo Committee on Education continues its mandatory visit to Shanghai and Suzhou. Source: Press releases from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government

The LegCo Committee on Education continues its mandatory visit to Shanghai and Suzhou. Source: Press releases from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government

The LegCo Committee on Education continues its mandatory visit to Shanghai and Suzhou. Source: Press releases from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government

By Jasper

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