Mauldin Music and Gaming Store Turns Passions into Business: Upstate Beat

A year ago this month, in a nondescript shopping center on Butler Road in Mauldin, Sound and image opened its doors.

The local store offered a wide selection of used records and CDs, from down-to-earth rock to sections full of jazz, dance and metal albums that you can only dream of finding.

But the name carries a “vision” in it, so it’s not just about vinyl. The store also sells classic and current video games, toys, vintage t-shirts and Pokémon cards. Essentially, it’s a one-stop shop for the needs of multimedia geeks.

Sound and Vision owners Max Eubanks and Sarah Collins originally planned to focus the store exclusively on records and CDs, but that didn’t cover their range of interests.

“We realized we wanted to sell anything that we were passionate about,” Eubanks said. “I’ve loved video games and Pokémon cards since I was a kid, so it was a no-brainer for us to add that to the store.”

“My dad got me into buying and selling records,” Collins added, “and I’ve always loved music. When I started dating Max, we decided to combine our interests into a collector’s store that would have something for everyone.”

Both Eubanks and Collins are well aware that about a quarter of all new businesses fail in their first year, so their one-year anniversary represents a real milestone.

“Given the cost of opening and the uncertainty of the store’s success, it’s fair to say there were some concerns at the beginning,” Eubanks said. “But we’re optimistic about the future and we have our customers to thank for that.”

Unfortunately, Sound and Vision faced more challenges in its first year than just keeping the store open. A few months ago, thousands of dollars worth of Pokémon cards were stolen. Some of the cards were from Eubanks’ personal collection.

“This first year has been a rollercoaster of emotions for us,” Collins said. “Despite major setbacks like the robbery, we have received an overwhelmingly positive response from our customers, especially locals. Most are grateful to have a store like ours in the area without having to drive to Greenville or Spartanburg.”

Now a year into business and with a growing customer base, Sound and Vision says they just want to continue serving the people who have kept the business afloat.

“Making people smile and seeing them enjoy their favorite records and games is truly the best thing for me,” he said.

Sound and Vision is located at 103 E. Butler Road in Mauldin.

By Jasper

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