Best Dessert in Redmond 2024 | Ida’s Cupcake Café | The Best of Redmond

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Richard Sitts

The Redmond Ida’s Cupcake crew includes, from left, Cora Arrieta, Lu Doty, owner Autumn Persinger, Redmond manager Adrian Serrano, Henri Boyd and manager Morgan Matthews, who oversees all three Ida’s locations.

Bwho would think a master’s degree in art history could lead to a career as a cupcake baker? Ida’s Cupcake Cafe received the most votes in the new Best Dessert in Redmond category, and owner Autumn Persinger says her artistic background contributed greatly to her success. Creating so many different flavors can be an art. She was an art history professor at three different universities in Ohio before moving to Central Oregon in 2005. Original owner Ida retired in 2018 and Persinger bought the business. Before that, she worked at the family’s restaurant, Marcello’s Cucina Italiana, in Sunriver for about 13 years.

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Courtesy of Ida’s Cupcake Cafe Facebook

It’s always fun to try seasonal cupcakes like Peach Cobbler and S’mores.

“My grandma taught me how to bake and that was a special thing we always did together,” Persinger says of her culinary roots. Today, she manages three Ida’s locations and says her favorite part is the staff she works with. Years ago, she volunteered at her children’s elementary school in Bend, got to know many of the kids, and as the kids grew, she hired many of them to work at Ida’s. “We’re like a family. It’s a great first job for kids because it’s an opportunity to work with the public,” she says.

Persinger has known Morgan Matthews, who has run all three stores, since Matthews was nine years old. “It’s a great job,” Matthews says, “playing with cakes and frosting all day.” Persinger adds, “It’s like painting in a different format. It’s fun to create new flavors.”

click to enlarge Best dessert in Redmond

Courtesy of Ida’s Cupcake Cafe Facebook

Coming up with new types of cakes and frosting is a group effort, she says, and sometimes customers offer suggestions. As many people already know, customers can choose the type of cake and the type of frosting they want. “The customer is part of the creation,” Persinger says.

Second place: Pangea Guild Hall

Ida’s Cupcake Café

445 SW Sixth St., Redmond


By Jasper

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