Lots of local food in the Notalot shop

Earlier this summer, I noticed an ad in our print newspaper announcing the opening of Notalot Farm Shop on the Kennebec in Oak Bluffs. Since that day, my summer wish list has been to stop by on a day off and pick up some fancier snacks than Stop & Shop to enjoy on my porch. When I saw they had Iggy’s Bread, I was in. I hadn’t had a full day off with no obligations until August, and when that day came, I was excited to be able to bike into town to the shop and check it out. The shop takes online orders on its website for curbside pickup, which is convenient, but a bike ride would work up an appetite.

It’s so busy in the summer and being able to pack up the groceries and take them to the car on one of the busiest streets on the island is like a dream come true. But I’m incredibly indecisive, so if I went to the store I would be able to see all the items on offer. I also wanted to take some pictures of the interior and the groceries while I was there.

I came to Notalot Farm Shop in the afternoon and as I walked up I remembered what had been a three-car garage that had been converted into a chic little shop with a beautiful mint green logo. (As a designer, I pay a lot of attention to logos and colors.) It was a dull day, but the natural light coming through the windows was a pleasant change from the neon lights in the shop. I looked around the shop and saw lots of local products in attractive packaging.

I was greeted by a very nice man named Dave who was behind the counter. He and his wife Julie Keefe own the store. I chatted with him about some of the products they carry and he helped me make a selection of items. Some names from the island can be found on their shelves – cheese and meats from Grey Barn, fish from MV Seafood Collaborative, spreads from MV Smokehouse, honey from Island Bee Co., hot sauce from TigerHawk, hot sauce from Mimi’s, sea salt from MV, coffee from Chilmark, mustard from Chappy Kitchen, chocolates from State Road, products from Ghost Island Farm, pottery from MVRHS student Claus Smith, and more.

I finally settled on the smoked bluefish from Martha’s Vineyard Smokehouse ($18), along with the paper-thin crackers from Seven Stars ($7.25) and the sweet candied Sahale almonds ($10). I’ve had this before – I love it. Of course, I didn’t want to leave without Iggy’s white sliced ​​bread ($10) and the fixings for a ham sandwich. The organic Black Forest ham sliced ​​($9.50), a locally grown tomato, Uncle Neil’s Mustard from Chappy Kitchen, which came in an adorably cute glass jar ($7), and the famous Grey Barn Prufrock cheese ($25). For dessert, I chose the “Chill Bar” white chocolate bar ($8).

It was a perfect sampler to nibble on for the rest of the day. When I got home, I unwrapped all the goodies, carefully reading the labels and admiring the design of each individual package and packaging. I love reading the stories and details about each one, some of which tell a little more about what the item is, where it is made or what design elements are used on the packaging.

First, I made myself a ham sandwich for lunch, with some of the bluefish spread on the very thin crackers and washed it down with Natalie’s lemonade ($6). The lemonade was sour and the mustard on the sandwich was sweet, yet tangy, unlike any other mustard I’d had before. The bread was soft, fluffy and gave the sandwich a nice flavor.

I took a nap in the hammock on my porch and relaxed the rest of the day, nibbling and munching on all the snacks I bought, all of which were amazing. Every time I opened my fridge, I would slice off a little cheese. As much as I wanted to save the Grey Barn cheese, I couldn’t help myself, it melted in the mouth so well.

It was so much fun browsing around and looking for things other than the bare essentials, even though they had those too.

By the end of the day, I had tried all the treats and finished with a piece of the white chocolate pecan bar. Just before I brushed my teeth to go to bed. I closed my eyes just after sunset and felt full, not like my stomach was full but my heart was content and happy.

I admire how the owners designed this shop, it’s a great way to showcase all the island products in one place. Whatever the occasion, a day off, a dinner party, snacks for the beach, a gift for a friend or just because, it’s worth stopping by.

The Notalot Farm Shop, 28 Kennebec Ave., Oak Bluffs. Open 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Not sure yet if they’ll be open year-round, but they’ll be open through September for sure. I’ll definitely be trying curbside pickup in the next few months. For more information or to order online, visit

By Jasper

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